The horrible truth.

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August pov
I wake up feeling cold where Yasmine short ass at I shouldn't have yelled at her yesterday she probably going through something she hadn't tell me yet I feel like a total jerk I gotta apologize quickly.

Me: Yas! Where are you?

I checked my phone and found 79 missed calls from that crazy bitch I called Yasmine cell she didn't answer did she leave me over a petty argument I put my head in my hands I heard the door open thank god it was Yasmine I grabbed her and twirl her around.

Yas: damn nigga did you pop a molly again?

Me: no I was just worry.

Yas: well I'm here.

Me: where were you?

Yas: the doctor.

Me: is everything alright are you on medication or something?

Yas: no just for a check up.

Me: are you lying?

Yas:(sighs) yes.

Me: you can tell me anything you know I do care I even went to jail for us I think I can handle whatever is happening.

Yas: you really want to know?

Me: duh I mean yes.

She struggled to say even a simple word is it that bad?

Yas: I'm...preg..pregnant.

Me: forreal?

Yas: yes.

Me: is that why you wenr to the doctor? To get rid of it.

Yas: No! To see if it was healthy.

Me: then why did you struggled to tell me this?

Yas: I thought you was gonna be mad because you thought it was gonna "ruined your image" or some shit.

Me: did someone force you before?

She pushed me out the way then ran to the bathroom I tried to break down the door but she'll screamed stop I been trying to get her out for the past 3 hours.
Me: baby please stop crying I crossed the line I shouldn't have asked you that question please come out its not good to stress the baby.

She walked out her eyes puffy and super red she jumped on me crying into my neck I cradle her letting her cry I slowly started singing Nobody knows.
Nobody knows what I go through
Wish you could put yourself in my shoes
You got friends that ain't friends no more
They don't understanding the life I chose
See the money and the fame
It can hurt everything you love
Got some people that depend on me
And I can't give up
Yas: Anthony you can stop singing.

I looked down at her no one uses my middle name hell people usally don't know my middle name.

Yas: yes when I was 17 I got pregnant with JJ baby he told me to "get rid of it" but I disobey and kept it he figured it out and pushed me down several flights of stairs I had splinters everywhere I tried to save the baby but JJ step on me now it dead.

Me: what was it gonna be?

She looked at me about to cry again I wiped her face, kissed her cheek then rub her back she finally relax and layed her head back.

Yas: a boy. A beautiful,happy, baby boy. He would of been 3 today.

Me: really?

Yas: mhmm.

I hold her for hours until we fell asleep while Yasmine slept I snucked out she's in for a real surprise.

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