Oh shit!

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2 months later.
Yasmine pov
I just got done puking for the 16th time now I'm happy well little juke-juke is but I can eat too I miss Auggie he's looking for a job that's all he been doing for the past month which means I been waking myself up, cook breakfast, wake up Aaron(that's at least an hour), feed him, bathe let him put on his clothes, help him brush his crocodile teeth, pack his backpack, put him in his car seat, dropped him off at daycare so which means I have the house to myself so I have some me time I chill in the jacuzzi have me some seedless grapes, peanut covered apples, and chocolate cover chitterlings it's surprisingly good when you wash it down with goat milk I clean up my mess, make dinner, take a shower, look decent, pick up Aaron, wait for August to come home, give him his food and beer, feed Aaron, put him in his onesie give him a good night kiss, put on my night dress, wait for August to finish smoking on the balcony to sleep since I can smell it even if the doors are close, wake up in the middle of night to see August hallucinate or mumble gibberish I tried to call him on it he just runs upstairs knowing I can't chase after his fast ass so I dropped it that doesn't mean I won't keep asking I really need to chill out cause this damn baby constantly kicks me I hope she a laidback child when she get out if not benadryl will work fo show I checked my alarm clock it was 12:56pm thank god its saturday so I don't have to do anything for now.

Aug: bae get up!

Me: for what I've been working all week give me 5 minutes.

Aug: what work?

Me: how about getting a 3 year old ready for daycare, clean up the messes you make on the balcony, pick up your blunts everywhere, cook dinner, make myself look presentable, pick up Aaron from daycare, wait for you to come home to fix your plate, tuck Aaron to bed, then have to deal with the stank of you smoking before going to bed.

Aug: no one told you to do all that extra shit.

Me: you right I did it cause its my duty to have things on track while the "breadwinner" bitch and moans about absolutely nothing.

Aug: do you know how hard I'm trying to find a job so we can eat.

Me: your right too bad McDonald's thought they wanted something better.

Aug: whatever bitch!

He stormed out I fell back asleep I got jumped on by a snaggle tooth midget August got him off and took care of him for me then tried to wake me up.

Me: what now?

Aug: we're about to go out for lunch and I can't go without my cutie by my side.

Me: whatever I'll be ready in 20 minutes.

I went to the shower, started the water, took of all my clothes, put on my turn up playlist, hopped in singing into a sponge pretending it was a microphone after 18 minutes of that I scrubbed myself down for 10 minutes wrapped a towel around me(or the parts I can cover) put my wet hair in rollers rubbed lotion on me put on my clothes(in the mm) take out my rollers my hair all curly everything on fleek I slowly walked downstairs seeing Aaron and August passed out you know I had to take a pic then post it on Insta.

Me: wake up mama babies.

Aaron: 5 more minutes.

Aug: don't make me wake up.

Me: fine then thats yall not eating.

Aaron: I'm up!

Aug: yep, let's go now.

I sat in the passenger side while Auggie was putting Aaron in his car seat he hopped in no flex zone started playing me and Aaron started nae naeing and whippin Mr.Alsina shaking his head at us he jealous cause I got them moves.

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