Chapter 3 - Not so fast

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The rest of the day went in fast.

(Y/n) phoned her mum to let her know she'd be getting the school bus home but her mum insisted she would pick her up after hearing about the teens who were murdered last night.

The car ride home was awkward, both afraid to say anything until they'd got home.

When the car engine stopped, the two hopped out and enter the home.

"You left Emily in the house herself?" (Y/n) says, looking back at her mum angrily.

"She's old enough to stay in the house herself, besides she was looking after Lucy for me while I went to pick you up," her mum says.

"There's a killer out there, mum! What would have happened if we came home and found that it managed to get in?"

"Don't fucking raise you're voice at me, (Y/n). In your words, The schools just down the road!"

"Exactly! I said I would just get the bus!"

"Keep raising you're voice at me and see what happens!" Her mum yells, pointing her finger at her.

"You know what, I've had a long day and I've got homework to go do," she says, grabbing her bag and running upstairs.

"If I was you I would stay up there until you've calmed the fuck down!" Her mum shouts, hearing her slam the door shut.

She throws her bag to the side and lays on her bed staring at the ceiling. She sits up and goes to her bag, rummaging through it to find her cigarette pack to count how many were left.

"Four left. Won't last me a week...fuck it," she says, taking one out and going over to the window to light it.

After taking a few puffs from it she hears someone coming upstairs and quickly throws it out, swiping at the air around her to get rid of the smell.

The door opened to reveal her mum. She sighs and walks back over to her bed.

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on sneaking out yet," she says, picking out some clothes to change into.

"I didn't think you were," her mother begins, entering the room more and closing the door.

"Listen, I know it's hard right now, but I'm trying. I should have thought about leaving Emily alone with Lucy. You were right," she says, taking a seat on her bed.

"It's ok mum. I shouldn't have taken the long day I had out on you. I was just worried. It's not every day you get told a psycho murderer is running loose on the kill," she says, lowering her head down a little.

"I know, anyways i was thinking chinese tonight?" She smiles.

"Yeah, sounds nice, but I've got a bunch of homework to do so I'll stay here in that's ok,"

"Sure, just please phone me if anything happens," her mum says, getting up and walking to the door.

"I mean it," she warns.

"Yes, yes, I know," she waves her off.

"Chicken curry and chips for me!" She shouts.

"I know!"

*Time skip*

Some time passed, (Y/n) remains in her room listening to music on her bed until she heard something hit her window. It sounded small like a stone had been thrown. Perhaps just the wind. She got up to check what it was but heard the phone ring from downstairs.

Confused she follows the ringing which leads to the kitchen. Thinking it was her mum she answered.


"Hello?" A rough voice spoke on the other side of the line.

"Who is this?"

"Who do you think it is?" The unknown voice asked.

"I don't know, that's why I asked," she rolls her eyes, knowing he or she couldn't see her doing so.

"I tell you what. You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine," the voice said.

"That won't be necessary," she says before hanging up and grabbing a glass of water. As she begins making her way upstairs the phone rang again she snatches it off its unit.

"What," she growls.

"Why'd you hang up?" The voice said, infuriating her more.

"Do you seriously have nothing better to do?" She sighs.

"I just want to talk. Come on. It's not fun when they hang up," he said, making her squint in confusion.


"Turn around," he said, starting to freak her out a little.

"Why should I?"

"Because I want to know who I'm staring at," he finishes.

She felt the colour drain from her face. She slowly turns around bracing herself for what or who could be behind her but saw nothing. More importantly no one.

"Good one. Almost got me," she says, lifting the phone to hang up again but her blood ran cold when hearing their reply.

"Better finish that homework..." they say. The line went dead after that.

It wasn't long until her mum got back. She contemplated telling her about the call but decided not to instead. She knew her mother wouldn't leave her in the house alone if she did.

The only peace she got was when her mum would take her sisters out for a drive.

"Everything good then?" Her mum asks while setting the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Yep. Was doing my homework most of the time until I came down for a drink," she lies, leaning on the counter and watching her mum set everything out.

"That's good then, here's yours. Clean up your mess and if you're eating upstairs, bring your plate down afterwards," she says.

"I will, thanks mum,"

Tomorrow was going to be a whole lot different. And yet all they wanted was to get away and have a fresh start.

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