Chapter 9 - Hide and Seek

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Its been a few days since they found out Stu Macher might be alive.

They were questioned by the police and the house is still under investigation. It was a difficult situation.

Still no word about if Stu Macher was actually alive or not and after a couple of months went in, they all continued to live their lives.

Sidney and (Y/n) were now in collage although (Y/n) was trying to find a small part time job to take instead.

Randy still worked at that VHS store in town.

(Y/n) still lived with her mum and sisters as she didn't see the point in moving out. Especially after everything that happened.

Her mother encouraged her to start finding a place but didn't mind having her around.

Sidney and Randy still hadn't told (Y/n) about Stu being alive as they were afraid of how she would react. After all, the two did become quite close.

After everything that's happened, would she really want to talk to someone like that?

It was reaching the end of collage, Randy asked to meet up with the two for coffee. Sidney said she would meet with (Y/n) before getting Randy. She didn't know why the two were being so weird with her recently. She was never allowed to be herself.

She knew something was off. She felt like she was seeing things at times. By seeing things I mean seeing Stu following her around. At first it was just paranoia or so she thought until one day it was impossible to mistaken it as anything else.

In her room she lays out some clothes on her bed and takes some into the bathroom with her. When she returns she puts her clothes in the growing pile of dirty washing.

She grabs her keys and purse to leave the room but hears something clink of her window. It sounded small. Furrowing her brows she goes over to the window until her mum calls from downstairs.

"(Y/n)! Sidney's here," she says.

"Be right down!"

One last glance at the window she goes downstairs and meets with Sidney at the door.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

She takes a look back at the stairs questionably before smiling.

"Yeah, lets go,"

The two meet with Randy at a small cafe and sit in a booth. The three goof around.

"Damnit," Randy frowns after trying to balance a spoon on his nose but failing.

The two laugh at him, (Y/n) almost choking on her coffee.

"How's collage been?" Randy asks, pouring more coffee into his mug.

"It's been great," Sidney smiles, looking down at her cup.

"What about you, (Y/n)?" Randy turns to her.

"It's been alright I guess..." She trails off.

"Still trying to find a job?" He asks.


"Well, I can't promise anything but my jobs looking for more people at the moment. I can try getting you an interview if you like?" Randy suggests, smugly taking a sip from his cup.

"You could do that?" She asks, smiling at the boy.

"Like I said, can't promise anything,"

"Awh, Randy. You're the best,"

"I know," he smirks.

The three continue on with their night as the sun begins to set. Sidney looks down at her watch.

"Shit, I need to head soon," Sidney frowns.

"Yeah, I better get ready for work," Randy replies, placing his cup down on the table.

"Who's turn is it to walk (Y/n) home?"

"Guys, I appreciate yous protecting me but I can walk home myself you know," (Y/n) says, the two share a stare.

"I don't think it's safe yet,"

"Safe? Yous make it sound like I have something I'm worry about," (Y/n) scoffs.


"No, yous have been acting strange ever since that night at Stu's house. Why? Is their something I should know about?" She asks, looking between the two expectantly.

The two look away, not knowing what to say.

"Whatever, im walking home myself. Don't follow me," she says before getting up and leaving the two.

"(Y/n), wait,"

She ignores them and walks out the shop down the path towards her home.

As she walks up to her door, she could hear someone else in her home. A males voice. Thinking it was one of her mothers male friends she walks through the door and her mouth drops.

"Oh, (Y/n), You're home. Stu Macher came by to see you," her mum says, placing her tea on the table. Stu gets up slowly and makes his way to her.

"I thought..."

"What?" Stu says, looking down at her innocently.

"Yous can set out the table if you like. You are staying for dinner, Stu?" Her mum asked turning to Stu.

"I would love to if it's alright with you, Miss (L/n),"

"I wouldn't of asked if I wasn't," she laughed, handing (Y/n) some plates.

The two set out the table together, {Y/n} occasionally made glances over at him ever once in a while, still trying to comprehend if this was real.

Everyone sat round the table in silence, tucking into there food. The odd question being asked every now and then to defuse the tension built in the room.

One question roamed in her mind.

How was Stu alive?

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