Chapter 10 - What happened?

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Dinner was mostly spent in silence. They awkwardly glance around the table before everyone finally finished.

After dinner, (Y/n) cleared away the table, Stu offered to help not that she had much of a choice since he already began taking away the plates left on the table as she wiped it down.

Stu finishes up the dishes and takes a seat on the couch, her mum sitting on the opposite side. (Y/n) looks over at him while clearing the rest of the things and looks off in thought.

The fact he just showed up at the door like nothing happened made her question what really happened that night. Did anything happen?

Her mum never asked much about what happened, knowing it was a sensitive subject but surely she should of known that Stu is or was technically dead from the news.

(Y/n) joins them over on the couch and stares at Stu through the corner of her eye as her mum flicks through the channels to try and find something to watch.

"Yous two can head upstairs once my show comes on. I like my peace," her mum says, looking at the time then back at the telly.

"In fact, head up now. It starts in five minutes," she says, looking over at her daughter expectantly making her sigh and get up.

She runs up stairs, Stu follows her into her room. When he follows she turns and abruptly closed the door before walking over to her bed to take her shows off.

Stu watches her carefully, noticing how uptight she was.

"I know what you might be thinking,"

"You have no idea," (Y/n) interupts him before he can finish as she stands and walks over to her draws.

"What's on your mind then, hot stuff?" He asks, placing his hands in his pockets looking at her.

"What's on my mind? How are you still alive?!" She asks, slightly raising her voice.

"You and Billy. Yous murdered all those innocent people and where gonna be the only ones to have survived, all for what?" She adds, looking at him angrily.

"It's not exactly-"

"-then what, Stu?" She interupts him facing him looking fed up. She watches him gulp down nervously.

"None of that matters now. Ever since you came along, that's what mattered to me. I just wanted to be near you. To talk to you. To feel you," Stu says, itching closer to her making her face soften just a little.

"I wasn't always the hot popular guy everyone knows now. Billy basically took me under his wing and made me his sidekick. In return, word got spread that I was hanging out with Billy Loomis. The hottest kid known in Woodsboro. I let my ego get the best of me and look where that got me,"

"Dead," (Y/n) says bluntly, not impressed.

"I'm not dead, am I?"

"Well unless im talking to a ghost?"

"Wouldn't that be ironic," he smirks.


"Still angry at me, huh?" He asks.

"Angry would be the biggest understatement of the century, Stu. No, i'd say im pretty fucking pissed,"

"I know and you have ever right to be,"

"Damn right I do,"

"I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have came here. I just wanted to see you one last time before I have to go to trial," her face goes into a frown. Trial?

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