Chapter Ten | I'm not that kind of person.

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As the days came and gone, Quinn began to get used to her schedule. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays she was in the game making room during the first shift-- dawn to noon. Then Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday she would be there at night. Then on Sunday she didn't have to do anything. Although the games weren't going to last too long, considering how they were going, it seemed like she had actually lived the schedule a few times instead of just being told it.

In the morning, she was sitting in the living area, watching the games. She was only watching them to keep her eye on Katniss. Quinn could already see and hear Coin telling her she had to step it up-- even though she was already doing as much as Seneca would let her. Katniss had gotten stung by tracker jackers, she had been out cold for a few hours. She was a sitting duck. But now even if Quinn could manage to get a bit of something to her, give her some sort of plant to help her, or get Seneca to allow Haymitch Abernathy to drop in something to help-- it wouldn't be much help if Katniss wasn't awake to see it.

Quinn watched the games only long enough to see that Katniss was still out cold before she got up to leave. She straightened her shirt, and then decided to go to her stylist early. Seneca Crane was going to be on with Ceasar, and he was supposed to formally introduce Quinn as one of the game makers. It had been years since a Victor became a game maker.

* * * *

Quinn had been put into a blue dress, not too long. It stopped just above her knees and had more fluff than she would have preferred. Then her hair was pinned back tightly, and her makeup was simple. While she waited to be joined by Seneca, she watched the screen that had Ceasar smiling on it as he went on and on about what had been happening both on his show and the games. Two days earlier he held a interview with the entire Snow family, President Snow of course made it seem like he was happy to have Orion back. And Orion made it seem like he was glad to be back too-- but they both knew that President Snow only wanted Orion back so people would be more focused on him or the games instead of revolting. Celestia had been genuinely happy to have Orion back, and Orion seemed genuinely happy to see that she was okay.

He never would have admitted it, but he had probably been worried that she got in trouble when he left. When he left, they could have thought Celestia knew something-- but there had been nothing to worry about.

"Enjoying your day off, Ms. Maverick?" Quinn turned away from the screen and looked to see Seneca Crane in a red and black suit.

Quinn nodded, "I'm going to see a bit more of the Capitol after the interview," she replied. "All the times I've been here, I haven't seen much more than this stage."

"There's plenty to see," he sighed, "There's a few restaurants that you need to try at some point on man street. They're based off of Districts Two, Four, and Nine."

"Well I'll have to go to the one based off Four," she said, her tone sounded cheerful. She had gotten good at that part of acting, sounding like she was enjoying herself. "To see if it's authentic."

"You'll have to tell Havensbee your findings," he said smirking a bit. "It's his favourite place in the Capitol."

"I'll have to do that--"

"Now, here to give us some insight on this years Hunger Games, please join me in welcoming Head Gamemaker Seneca Crane, and a very special new comer!"

Ceasar held his hand out to the side of the stage to welcome them out onto the brightly and colourfully lit stage. Seneca went a few steps ahead, his smile wasn't fake. It was completely real, and it seemed to get ten times bigger when he stepped out onto the stage. He held out a hand to wave to the audience and the camera's, and then took Caesars hand in a handshake while Quinn still had a cheesy smile on her face and waved to the audience who was cheering louder than she had ever heard them before. Then Caeasar grabbed her hand and then gave her a small hug.

"Ms. Maverick you are becoming quite the regular here," Caesar laughed as he seated himself and then Seneca sat in the chair closest to him, and then Quinn on the other side of him.

Quinn forced out a small laugh, "It beginning to feel like home because I've been here so much."

"I'm glad you've been comfortable here," he smiled and then looked to the audience. "Aren't we?"

The audience roared with applause.

Caesar smiled brightly as he turned back towards Seneca and Quinn after they cheered.

"Now, before we get to talking about the games," Caesar started. "There's something I'm sure we are all dying to know, is what has your relationship with Orion Snow like now?"

The crowd collectively clapped and cheered and Quinn could feel her stomach twisting.

"You've said that the two of you were only friends, but the other day he seemed to be a bit fond of you." Caesar finished, leaning closer towards her.

Quinn stared at him, she felt her palms getting sweaty. She stared at him, and then looked out at the audience. The light blinded her, she could barely see much of the crowd. She could feel them all staring at her, waiting for some sort of answer to give them something to chat about. As if the games, and District Twelves starcrossed lovers weren't enough-- they were expecting more?

But if she said something like that, that would defeat the purpose of her being there. And she couldn't really say she didn't like him, in all honesty she wasn't sure how she felt about him. But the problem with it all was the fact then Snow would know that there was someone he could use against her, and besides that, how could she possibly be involved with anyone who wouldn't understand what was wrong with her?

"Quinn?" Caesar asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"I'm not that kind of person, Caesar. I'd much rather just be on my own." she replied, folding her hands in her lap to keep from fidgeting and messing with the arms on the chair or the material of her dress.

Caesar raised an eyebrow sharply, "That kind of person?" he echoed, "Would you mind elaborating on that?"

Quinn glanced at the audience one more time, she was used to having someone help her out during these sorts of questions. Like Finnick, or even Orion. But Seneca wasn't about to help her at all.

"I'm not the kind of person who can love someone as great as Orion." she explained, she could feel her palms getting more sweaty. Just because she was uncomfortable talking about love in any way.

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