Chapter Eighteen | Scheming

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This is the last chapter! =D

Before you get all mad- I realize that Part II of Runaway was a lot shorter than Part I. That is because the first part was the main part of the book, and the second was just leading into the rest of the story.

This series was a planned trilogy, but I realized putting Catching Fire era into this book wouldn't be a good idea because it would be rushed. SO that being said there is a fourth book =D A Rebellious Spirit will be posted as soon as I have a cover!!!

All that being said, I want to say thank you to all of you! I wish I could get to know each and every one of you, and being able to read your feedback and reply to it with any answers or comments makes me feel like I have some sort of relationship with each of you! So keep it up, and I hope you stick with Quinn for the remaining part of the series!

Stay classy and enjoy! Don't forget to stay tuned for the next book! And drop some comments telling me what you thought!


Everything that had come of the Seventy-Third games, and now the Seventy-Forth had all, by this point, proven to be too much. Everything was falling apart at the seems because Quinn Maverick had made a scene in her private session, spoken too much at her interview, ran away, and then came back. After that, it began snowballing, and now President Snow didn't only have to worry about Maverick, but now Katniss Everdeen had proven to everyone in Panem that people could get away with things by making sure there were two Victors.

However, one thing Katniss had done for him was get Quinn out of the limelight. At least Katniss and Peeta tried to do things to calm things down. Whenever Quinn even opened her mouth to do anything, it sparked something and she said or did too much. Everyone's eyes were on Katniss the moment she left the arena, and it was the perfect time to try putting Quinn back where she belonged.

Victors' Village in District Four.

She had witnessed too much, she had seen too much to try running again. She had been beaten down too much, and now that everyone wasn't watching her- she'd be more able to just calm down, and adapt to life in Victors' Village like Skyler Henderson, the Victor of the Seventy-Second games, from District Twelve. And every other Victor who adapted to the life style.

But even Snow knew that was a foolish thought, Quinn Maverick wouldn't ever be forgotten. She had created a legacy for herself, a dangerous legacy that wouldn't get stomped out until she was gone. And even then, it could possibly grow and become even more deadly for the entire nation- but that was a risk that would have to be taken eventually.

"So that's it?" Orion asked at the long table, Celestia sat across from him. "You just sent her back to Four? Don't you think something else could happen?"

President Snow nodded, "I know something else could happen." he replied, "But I also know that there are too many things she could lose." he said calmly, "Her and I had a nice chat before she left."

Quinn sat across from his desk, eyeballing the vase of white roses. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and her two bags sat, toppled over next to her. As soon as Katniss and Peeta had been announced as Victor's, she had been told to go to the mansion with her belongings. Snow had decided it would be best if Quinn and Katniss didn't cross paths until the Victory tour when there would be plenty of security.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Miss. Maverick." Snow stated as the office doors shut behind him. "I'm sure you are quite, happy about tonight's events."

"You could say that," she replied. "Why did you want me to bring all my things?" she asked watching him closely as he seated himself across from her on the other side of his desk.

"You and I both know you can't stand being here, in the Capitol." he said with a long, drawn out sigh. "That's why, I want you to go back to District Four- to your home and just...let things get back to normal."

She raised an eyebrow, she didn't look convinced. "What exactly is normal?"

"That's up to you to decide, Quinn. If you want normal to be causing trouble for yourself, I assure you the peace keepers in Four are ready to deal with it. If normal for you is spending time with the people you care about- Finnick Odair, Annie Cresta, and Mags Cohen...then so be it." he explained simply.

She thought for a long moment, "But...what if I want to stay here?" she asked.

He raised an eyebrow, "Is that even a option?"

Orion wasn't pleased with the answer he got, but he didn't say anything else about it. Instead he just continued to eat his meal, and that left the room in silence. However that only lasted until there was a knock on the heavy doors that shut the dinning room up from the rest of the manison. After a brief moment, Snow watched as a servent poked her head into the room.

"President Snow, Plutarch Havensbee has arrived." her meek voice announced, "He's ready to meet with you in the office."

President Snow nodded a bit, and then took his napkin and wiped his mouth quickly before pushing away from the table and then leaving his grandchildren to finish dinner on their own. He had arranged for this meeting with Havensbee as soon as he could, after Seneca Crane, he chose Havensbee to organize the Third Quarter Quell; and he had some special requests he had to make regarding the next games.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Havensbee." Snow said loudly as he walked into the office, "On such short notice."

"Of course, sir. It's an honor that you've asked me to be the Head Gamemaker." he replied as he stood up and held out his head. The two of them shook hands before Snow seated himself finally. "What was it you needed? It's a bit early to begin planning the games. The Victors have only just gotten on the train to go home."

"It's never too early," Snow replied with a small smile. "But I wanted to speak to you about two Victor's imparticular; Quinn Maverick, and Katniss Everdeen."

Havensbee raised an eyebrow with interest. "Alright? Everyone loves them-"

"I don't love them," Snow interjected, stopping Havensbee in the middle of his sentence. "Quinn Maverick and Katniss Everdeen need to be taken care of."

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