Chapter Eleven | Rue

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I have lots of chapters planned, however I will not be posting until I am satisfied with them. I haven't been fair for the past chapters in the second part. I think it was because it was a totally new perspective, Quinn being in the Capitol was already a plan. But it is a big change for her character. Also, if it seems lucid, it's also reflecting Quinn's state of mind.

AND, check out Ophelia Hunter-- a new story for a character that will be in the next book and the end of this one!

But no worries, updates will still be regular. I want to have this series finished or at least close to finished by the final film.

Stay classy!


Quinn had managed to drag herself out of bed in the morning. Early enough that she could watch the early morning of the games. She pulled on some comfortable clothes for her day off in her apartment, grabbed a bowl of hot cereal, and then seated herself on the couch with her feet tucked underneath her. It was strange, she had hated the idea of being there in the Capitol. But she had begun to get used to it, at least the days off she had. But not once had she had to remind herself to keep trying to think of ways to help Katniss. Even after her interview, after she practically confessed to the entire nation that she liked Orion.

Quinn quickly flipped on the games, simply to get her mind off the interview and the complete embarrassment she felt just thinking about it. So Quinn focused the screen, the cameras were broadcasting the Careers at the cornucopia. In a way, she envied these tributes. Since she had spent so much time in the game making room, she had begun to learn what really went into the arena-- and these tributes, had an extremely basic arena. That didn't mean they weren't nearly as bad-- they were still horrible, and Quinn felt awful because she was was one of the people making it awful for them. But last years arena, it had been so much more...high tech, that may not have been the right word though. Her arena had mountain valley's, all of which were different in looks, size, and environment. Then just getting to and from the arena was deadly because of how steep it had been. Then this arena was a simple forrest, the challenges-- the tracker jackers and Fire storms, they all just seemed so...simple to Quinn. So far they didn't get tracked down by Victor mutts...

Was that something Snow would want to happen? It seemed like it would be. He hated Quinn, wouldn't putting her back in the arena as an enemy to the tributes...that would be awful. Quinn had trouble even imagining how she would react if that happened.

The camera changed, and instead it was of two girls. A short, dark skinned little girl from District Eleven, and a tall thin girl from District Twelve-- Katniss Everdeen and Rue. Katniss still looked weak from her tracker jacket stings. But Rue seemed to know what she was doing to help her stings.

"Is all that true?" Rue asked, looking up at her with a smirk on her face.

"Is what true?" Katniss replied, a small smile.

"You and him." she replied, leaning closer as if it was a obvious question.

Both girls smiled, and snickered. That was something Quinn didn't remember doing at all-- even since she had been in the games. Smiling and laughing seemed and sounded so foreign now. Almost awkward, just seeing it happen made her try to remember a time where she smiled or laughed genuinely-- but she just couldn't.

"Well," Caesar's voice sighed as the camera broadcasted him and his cohost. "It looks like we have a new alliance, Little Rue and our Girl on Fire."

"It's an interesting combination," the other man replied. "Before everything happened between Twelve and the Careers, I would have expected her to join them. An eleven is the highest score this year."

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