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I picked up, I definitely shouldn't have but no one warned me about that whole phone call thing.


"Hello Y/n, want to play a game with me?" Some creepy voice answered me.

"Nah I'm not much of a player sorry. Except when it comes to strip poker. Bye weirdo" I sarcastically said.


"Chill dude. Hasn't momma taught you how to be polite?" I joked.

"You're so smart Y/n now take a wise decision. Who are you going to save tonight? Tatum or Sidney?" He asked and I could feel the pride in his voice. He knew that was a choice I couldn't make. I started to look around me like the paranoid freak that I am but it worked. I caught him in the reflection of my polished jewellery box. Well Tatum's box but anyway. He was hiding behind a tree with his creepy ass costume.

"Tatum. I'm saving Tatum" I answered confidently, knowing that I had an eye on him and he couldn't reach Sidney without me noticing.

"Oh, your little girlfriend's going to die then!" he hang up on me. It only took a few seconds before Sidney's scream invaded the whole house. But he was still there. How- Oh no. I took Tatum's hand and dragged her in the hall with me. The bathroom door was open and he was standing right there, in front of us.

"How much does mom hate me? On a scale from one to ten." I asked Tatum

"Well... Twelve?" she answered hesitantly.

"Good" I said grabbing my mom's favourite vase. I used all my strength to throw it at the man's face. He lost stability and I took advantage of it, kicking him in the stomach sending him right down the stairs. Down there Dewey's door opened but before he could even go out the man was gone.

"Everyone's okay?" Dewey asked as he ran upstairs. We all nodded. Sidney wasn't hurt, thank God.

"He was not alone..." I mumbled knowing how crazy it might sound.

"What?" They all said looking at me like I was talking about the president being a reptile or something.

"They're two. One of them was hidden behind the tree next to my window and the other was already in the house" I explain with not much hope that they'd believe me.

"I think you need some rest. You must be tired cause of the road" Tatum whispered me as she guided me downstairs to the couch. And just like that we all went to bed. I knew my theory sounded crazy but I mean... if one killer then why not two?

I fell asleep despite the weird atmosphere in the house. I had troubles sleeping since I was five... that's what anxiety does... so it wasn't a big surprise when I woke up in the middle of the night. What surprised me a bit more was the man standing right above me with a knife in their hands, ready to stab me.

I rolled down on the floor as he stabbed the couch. Pathetic. I grabbed the gun hidden under the couch and shot two bullets at him. One hit his shoulder and the other his leg. I learned how to shoot when I left home. I was young and scared and needed a way to defend myself. He groaned in pain and backed off. Lucky for me, Dewey saw the whole scene.

"Where did you learn to shoot?" Dewey asked as he helped me up. Of course, Ghostface had ran away...

"Well-" I was about to answer but screams cut me off "Sid and Tatum!" I exclaimed as I ran upstairs and bumped straight into my sister making me drop my gun. They were running away from him.

"Get on the floor!" I ordered them and as they went out of the way and ran towards the killer and kicked him in the knee where I previously shot him. Except that there was no blood... I fell on my back and he fell over me, his knife planted in my shoulder.

I used all the strength in my legs to throw him once again down the stairs. I made sure to grab his shoulder to see if there was any blood. My hand was clean. Not even a little drop. I showed my hand to Dewey who nodded, admitting that I was right.

"I think Y/n's right. There might be two killers" he carefully stated waiting for the girls reaction.

"I shot him downstairs and he ran away. During the fight I checked and this one had no blood on him" I added

"Maybe you just missed" Sidney said looking at Tatum, searching for approval.

I got closer to her, my face only a few inches away from hers and whispered, "I never miss except when I want to" and with that I left downstairs to clean up my wound. I know I'm right on this one, I can feel it and I absolutely hate to be told otherwise.

TOO YOUNG FOR THIS, Sidney PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now