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"I missed the whole reveal... This movie sucked" I mumbled earning an unamused look from the two woman. We walked out of the building and a question was burning my lips. Where the hell was my brother? But I couldn't ask that because I was far too scared of the answer.

I was dragged into a medic truck and they put me under oxygen. I'd lost a lot of blood and I couldn't quite catch my breath.

"We've got an alive one!" I heard a woman's voice yell and a few seconds later Dewey was brought next to me. He looked in bad shape.

"You look like shit" I chuckled, taking my oxygen mask off. He rolled his eyes at me and placed his hand on mine. We made it to the hospital and Dewey was sent in surgery. I only needed stitches since the bullet went through. Sidney sat next to me on the uncomfortable hospital bed.

"Experiencing some déjà-vu?" I chuckled trying to make the situation less dramatic.

"It's not funny" she said playfully nudging my shoulder.

"So, what are you going to do now?" I asked knowing that she probably wouldn't stay in Woodsboro.

"I'm thinking... maybe I could find a job, far away from Woodsboro, and never come back" she answered avoiding my gaze. "I would have asked you to come with me but... You're going to stay here with Dewey, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I think I'm going to head back to Woodsboro" I smiled. I know how weird this must seem but I've spent my whole life trying to escape this place and now I want to settle there. My sister's buried there, I had nowhere else to go.

"I supposed no one told you yet but... they're going to make a movie" Sidney hesitantly spoke, she knew how I'd feel about this.

"Seriously? A fucking movie? Based on Gale's book I assume" I rolled my eyes earning a chuckle from the brunette.

"They might let you pick the actress" she said amused by my lack of enthusiasm.

"If Winona Ryder isn't playing me, I'm suing whoever's making this movie" I laughed knowing it was nearly impossible.

"Well, Dewey got David Schwimmer so who knows maybe you'll get Winona" Sydney told me with a huge smile on her face.

Last year, after the massacre, we confessed how we felt and it made things a bit weird. Sidney was traumatized by what happened with Billy and I was traumatized by what happened to my sister. None of us were ready for a relationship, Sidney developed serious trust issues and she didn't want it to ruin us. She told me she would always trust me as a friend but she'd fear me as a romantic partner. I didn't want that, I wanted her to feel comfortable around me even if it meant being just friends.

Truth is, I don't think Sidney ever had romantic feelings for me. I think she was afraid of losing me if she said she didn't like me back, I think she was scared I'd leave her again. Maybe she thought it was the best way of making me stay. Truth is, I would have stayed anyway. I didn't need her to love me back, I just needed her to know how I felt, I needed her to look at me in the eyes and tell me she didn't find it absolutely repulsing.

"You know..." Sidney said, lightly clearing her throat. "When we decided to keep things platonic you... you said something and I denied it but you were right" she spoke and it confused me because I couldn't figure out what she was talking about.

"What? What did I say?" I asked trying to remember the talk we had almost a year ago.

"You said that I didn't really have feelings for you. I did, I really did but not the same feelings. I was confused because I've always felt a certain way towards you. It's always been different with you and I think that maybe it's because I always knew how you felt and I just didn't want to admit it because it scared me. I was scared to lose you if I wasn't able to love you the way you wanted, I was scared of not being enough. But I'm not even completely sure about this because no one ever made me feel the way you do" she explained. Even though I already knew that, it felt good to hear it. It gave me a real proper closure.

"Sidney, you've always been more than enough and you always will be. I don't need you to love me like that, I never have. I just need you. I need you to be my friend, I need you to be happy and comfortable around me. I don't care about anything else" I reassured her, earning a thankful smile.


When we finally got out of the hospital, Dewey and I decided it was time to leave our parents' house. Thanks to the money Gale's books made, I could afford a decent house in one of Woodsboro finest neighbourhoods. Dewey and Gale bought the house right in front of mine, it was a total coincidence.

Sidney moved to a house somewhere in the mountains, I specifically asked her not to tell me where because I didn't want to put her in danger. She gave me her number; I wrote each number on a different page of Tatum's diary making it impossible for anyone else than me to understand. She got a dog, a cute golden retriever that she named Cherokee, just like the flower. I love the legend behind the Cherokee Rose, it's a symbol of hope and hope is all we needed right now.

She left right after Randy's funerals which was one of the most painful moment of my entire existence. Martha looked... she looked just like me when I had to burry Tatum. I promised her I'd call her and we would hang out if she wanted to and I kept that promise.

TOO YOUNG FOR THIS, Sidney PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now