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I couldn't quite realize what just happened when I put my clothes back on and fixed my hair. For the first time in years, I felt warm. I knew the feeling wouldn't last but it felt so good to not be that cold lonely soul for a moment. Sidney had the same satisfied expression on her face.

"Thank you" she whispered before placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Anytime" I joked earning a playful nudge from the brunette.

When we were completely calmed down and dressed up, we made our way to Dewey's house. Judging by the look on his face, he had another fight with Gale. I hate that they do this to themselves, they're meant to be. No one will ever look at Gale with care and appreciation like Dewey does. And no one will ever make Dewey feel confident and brave the way Gale does. I've seen them fight but I've seen them be happy, what they have is real. It's more real than what Sidney and I ever had or will have.

"I was thinking, maybe we should get back to the set, try to see who looks suspicious because so far I have no fucking idea and it's driving me crazy" I said to break the awkward silence.

"That's a good idea" Gale gave me a thankful smile as she grabbed her purse and jacket.

"Alright, I'll stay with Gale, Sid you stay with Dewey, is that okay?" I asked. They all agreed and we got in two separate cars. As I sat in Gale's car, I could feel her eyes on me. I knew she wanted to ask; I was just wondering how long she'd be able to resist.

"So, You and Sidney?" she asked before she had even started the engine which made me chuckle.

"No, it was a one-time thing" I answered trying to avoid giving any detail.

"Did it make you feel better?" she asked and she sounded like she cared.

"Yes, I know it probably won't last but for now it did" I said honestly as I smiled at her.

"Good" she spoke smiling back at me.

She then started the engine and drove us to the current set location, Sidney's house. Since my childhood house was now a crime scene they couldn't film there anymore, at least for a few days. I still didn't understand why Sidney's dad would allow them to feel in his house, it made no sense to me. I don't think his daughter understood it either.

Gale parked her car right next to Dewey's and we decided to go separate way to cover more ground and try to speak to every person that was there. We spotted Winona Ryder and Jennifer Jolie; they were dressed as us which felt very weird. We walked towards them until they recognized us and came our way.

"Y/n, it's an honour to meet you" Winona said as she shook my hand.

"Likewise," I replied politely while Jennifer bragged about how connected she felt to Gale.

"So, what are you two doing here?" Winona asked. She seemed more aware of the situation than Jennifer.

"We have murders to solve and a killer to catch" Gale answered with her usual 'Gale Weathers' tone.

"We want to find the connection between the pictures found of the crimes scenes and the different suspects" I started to explain. "But this isn't Hollywood so we can't find files or records anywhere. We think we recognize the place on the pictures but we need to make sure" I paused as I searched for the picture in my bag. "See, I think this is the set where the original Stab movie was shot, do either of you-"

"Yes! Yes, it is!" Jennifer screamed sounding all excited.

"That's perfect" I whispered to myself. "I'm heading back to my place, I'll try to find more information on internet, if she was in any movie even an unpublished one, I'll find something" I told Gale before I left to find Dewey as he had my car keys since he drove it to come here.

When I found him he was with Sidney. She looked terrified and was sitting on the ground. Detective Kincaid seemed to be asking her questions. When she saw me walking towards them, the tension on her face disappeared for a second.

"What's going on here? Are you okay?" I asked as I finally reached her and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"I was attacked, in the house he... He attacked me" she said with a slightly shaking voice.

"I'm going to drive her to the precinct to have more details about what happened, she'll be safe there" the detective said sounding convinced that it was a safe place.

"Okay I get it you're new here, she won't be safe anywhere and if anything happens to her on your watch, you're a dead man" I threatened as I purposely got closer to him.

"You're threatening a detective in front of other detective and officers?" he asked with a smirk.

"Oh no, it's not a threat. It's a fucking promise" I whispered now only a few inches away from his face. I could see Sidney and Dewey smiling at the interaction. I look like a very nice person and I usually was very polite and sweet but when it came to protecting Sidney, I became a whole new person. A sassy, bratty, ruthless person.

I made my way back to my car and sat in the driver's seat. For some reason I felt a bit uncomfortable, like something bad was about to happened. A breathed for a minute and tried to be rational, I was scared for Sidney but it didn't mean anything was going to happen to her. She'll be okay, I kept thinking until I convinced myself.

I started the engine and made my way back to my house. I made sure to close and lock every possible way in, I knew it didn't really matter because if the killer wanted to come in he would find a way. I turned on the computer and starting to search for any useful information. It was so slow; it took my several hours and I was about to give up when I finally found what I was looking for.

TOO YOUNG FOR THIS, Sidney PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now