Chaos (pt.1)

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Everyone started drinking, smoking, talking, dancing and laughing until my brother Dewey came in with his plus one : Gale. That bitch found a way in. I know her well enough to be aware that she's only here because she needs a good story to tell in her next book. She's probably recording all this. I looked at Sidney who tensed a bit when she saw Gale walking in. She did quite an entrance though.

I never thought I would say that but hopefully Billy asked Sidney to follow him upstairs so they could talk. I didn't like the idea of Sid being alone in a bedroom with that asshole but I hated to see her drowning under Gale's questions. Tatum got up and headed to the basement to get more beers. I stopped her before she even reached the living-room's door.

"You're not going down there on your own Tatum, not when there's a masked killer who has knife kinks" I stated.

"Right. Stu you're coming with me" she said, grabbing her boyfriend's hand before pushing me out of her way.

"If you really thought I was wrong about what I said earlier, you wouldn't act that bitchy towards me" I yelled as she'd already reached the stairs.

She turned around and mouthed "fuck you". Yeah, that's all Tatum. I hate when she acts like that. I don't trust Stu; I don't trust Billy either. I don't trust the two persons who are the closest to the persons I love the most. There's nothing I can do. How could I possibly protect them from their boyfriends? Maybe they don't need to be protected. Maybe I'm just so deeply jealous of Billy that I can't see how nice he is. Maybe I'm just so scared that Tatum will replace me that I can't see how happy Stu makes her. Or maybe I'm right. I really hope I'm wrong on that one because I just let my sister go to a basement with a supposed psycho serial killer.

"Hey, you're okay over there?" Randy asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah... I just have a very bad feeling about all this" I confessed.

"You know what, let's just watch a movie and relax, all right?" he suggested.

I nodded and we both sat on the couch. It didn't take long before Randy stopped the movie to explain us the three rules to survive a horror movie.

"Rule number one" he started "you can NEVER have sex!" he insisted on the never. Everyone yelled and threw stuff at him which was quite fun to look at. "Rule number two, you can never drink or do drugs" this one made everyone laughed as they emptied their beer bottles which made me realize that Tatum and Stu never came back. Don't worry Y/n, I tried to calm myself, they're probably having sex somewhere in the house. Randy cleared his throat "and finally, rule number three, never, ever, ever under any circumstances say, "I'll be right back." Because you won't be back" he stated. Proud of himself, he sat back and pressed the play button.

A phone rang which, I must admit, made me slightly jump. One of the boys picked up and immediately got super excited. He screamed something about the headmaster getting killed in his office and suddenly it was just Randy and I left in the room. They all ran outside and jumped in their cars.

"What the fuck... I swear those people are brainless, I've never seen anything like that" I mumbled.

Randy was so absorbed by the movie that he didn't even notice when I left the room. I needed some air. I made my way to the kitchen hoping I'd find something to eat but there was nothing left. Nice. I went upstairs and started to look around. The house was quite beautiful. I ended up in a sort of storage room which, I supposed, was used as an attic. All the items in there were weird and most of them were probably older than me. I lost track of time looking into those old things. I was brought back to reality when someone ran into the room and slammed the door, blocking it with a surfboard.

"Sidney? Are you okay?" I asked before I even saw the traces of blood on her shirt.

"Y/n, thank god you're here" she cried, throwing herself in my arms.

"What happened?" I started and before she even got the chance to answer, someone violently tried to open the door. It was him. Of course it was. "Okay Sid we need to get out of here right now!"

We ran toward the window and opened it. Sid got out first and tried to stand up on the roof. I joined her and before we could decide what to do, Ghostface appeared at the window, scaring the shit out of us. Sid fell and I try to catch her which was pretty useless as it only made me fall as well. I wrapped my arms around her, absorbing the shock when we hit the ground. When we looked up at the window he was gone. I helped Sidney to get back on her feet. She looked right behind me and something in her sweet loving eyes literally broke. I turned around and when my eyes met that scene my heart stopped beating for a second.

"We have to leave before he comes back Sid" I struggled to get the words out. My whole world just broke but I was still aware of the danger that remained. I grabbed Sidney's hand and we ran toward Gale's truck. Her cameraman was still in there, eating Cheetos. He was looking at some records of the living room.

"Is this live recording?" I asked which scared him as he hadn't notice us.

"There's a 30 second gap between what we're watching and what's happening" he said as if it didn't really matter.

On the screen we could see Randy yelling at the TV and Ghostface was standing right behind him, holding a knife above his head. He was about to stab Randy when some noise made him run outside. Sid and I looked at each other and before any of us could talk, the cameraman's throat was cut by the killer. Sid and I jumped into the truck to escape the killer. We got out by the opposite side and started running until we saw Gale trying to escape driving the truck. Sidney jumped in the middle of the road to try to stop her.

TOO YOUNG FOR THIS, Sidney PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now