After her

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You know, the thing about horror movies is that things rarely go as planned. You can never really tell what's going to happen, who's going to survive. There's no such thing as being predictable. No one could have guessed that I will join Woodsboro police academy after Ghostface's massacre. No one could have guessed Sidney would go to Windsor College, in Ohio. Someone probably could have guessed they we wouldn't work out.

The traumatic experience we lived; it brought us closer to each other but none of us could handle a romantic relationship after that. We loved each other, we really did, but we were afraid it would ruin everything else, that it would ruin us. And in that very specific moment, each other was all we had and we couldn't risk it. She decided to go to college, to get away from Woodsboro. Randy followed her, he signed up for a cinema class which wasn't surprising at all since movies were his favourite thing in the entire world.

I started working at Woodsboro's precinct which made me feel a bit better as I always had something to do. Plus, I spend most of my days with my brother and after losing Tatum, we needed each other. At first, I would go to the cemetery every single night then I completely stopped going. I didn't know how to get over it.

Truth is, when Tatum died a part of me died with her. We were twins and although we didn't have the smoothest healthiest relationship, we genuinely loved each other. I hated myself for this fight we had before she was killed, I told her awful stuff and I didn't mean a single word of it. Of course, I would have come running if she called me and needed help. I'll forever blame myself for not being able to save her.

Dewey blamed himself too, he didn't like to admit it but I know he did. I could see it in his eyes, the pain, each time he'd look at our pictures his face would completely break. He'd try to hide the tears forming in his eyes but I could see it because every time my reaction was the same as his.

"Riley" my boss called and both my brother and I turned to look at him. "Dwight" he added, losing my attention. My job wasn't actually that great but you got to start somewhere, don't you?

Dewey came back from the boss's office and I could tell something was wrong. "It's happening, it's happening again" he whispered as if saying it quietly would make in unhappen.

"Where?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Near Windsor College, two of the students at the movie premiere" he explained.

"Get in the car, we're going" I ordered as I got up and gathered my stuff. We made a quick stop home to get changed and take the things we needed. We listened to the radio on the road and obviously Gale was already at Windsor.

When we arrived, Sidney ran towards us, she seemed happy to see us. After what happened, we kept calling each other pretty often but it wasn't the same as it used to be.

"Y/n, Dewey!" she greeted us as she wrapped her arms around us. "What are you guys doing here?" she asked.

"We were worried about you" I smiled as group of people approached us. I recognized Randy who immediately pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you" I whispered before he let go of me. Dewey and Sidney had a little talk while Randy proceeded to explain how his teacher was a fool letting people say a sequel could possibly be better than an original movie.

Gale made a scene, again. She invited Cotton Weary, the man Sidney accused of raping and killing her mother, who's just been proven innocent. He was released and Gale thought it would be a good idea to bring him to Sidney and confront them. It ended the exact same way it did last year, Sidney punched Gale in the face and her new boyfriend had to pull her away.

I overheard Gale speaking with my brother. They kind of had a thing, I mean Dewey's completely falling for her for Gale said some pretty nasty stuff in her book. I didn't take it personally as I knew she just wanted a great story to make money. Dewey did take it personally because she made fun of him and called him inexperienced and goofy.

"You want to come to the party tonight?" Randy ask as he gently nudge my shoulder to catch my attention.

"A party? Don't you remember how that went last time?" I sarcastically chuckled.

"Yeah... we have similar scars you know?" he lifted his shirt to show me the bullet scar on his stomach. "Come on, you're a police officer now, you'll protect us" he tried to convince me to come.

"I'm a training police officer, I can't carry a badge yet. I'll come but if anything goes wrong we run away" I compromised.

"Fine, the only bad thing that could happen is if my classmates pick a horror movie to watch" he rolled his eyes at me.

We spent the rest of the day with Sidney until she had to get ready for the party. Of course, she didn't want to go but her roommate Hallie convinced her to go. If I got to be honest, I'm scared. I'm scared it will happen all over again, I'm scared Sid will get hurt or Dewey or Randy or even Gale. She's a pain in the ass but she's basically the reason why I'm still alive.

We survived the first massacre; we basically survive the first movie but what about the sequel? They tend to kill the originals to increase the body count and make it more gore, I am one of 'the originals', so are my friends.

A/N - Welcome back! Here's the beginning of the second part of this story. I know some of you might be disappointed that Y/n and Sidney aren't together but don't worry, it will all make sense later. Plus, when I started writing this story I really wanted it to be about the relationship between the two of them but then I rewatched all the scream movies and I changed my mind. I want this story to be about the reader, "Y/n", figuring herself out in a cruel horrific world. I want to create another final girl in a story that ain't only about Sidney Prescott. I hope you'll still like it because I really love writing this. Take care💕

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