Slashed throat

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The next morning, Dewey and I headed to the precinct where we met Gale and the local sheriff. They were trying to find a pattern, anything that could relate those murders to the first ones. I sat on one of the desks and started at the chalkboard until it hit me.

"Cici? Was that her real name?" I asked convinced it was a nickname.

"No, her name was Casey" the sheriff answered. Gale looked at me then back at the board.

"Oh my god" she whispered. "Just like Casey Becker" she explained.

"Yeah and Phil Stevens, Steven Orth" I said as I grabbed a chalk to underline the name.

"And Maureen Evans..." she started. "Maureen Prescott, Sidney's mom" we both spoke at the exact same time.

"So, it's all related to the previous murders?" Randy asked Dewey and I when we met with him a few hours later for lunch. We both nodded and he started to tell us about his theory on who could be the killer.

"I'm sure Mickey is involved" I interrupted him when he mentioned the boy's name.

"But if Mickey's a suspect then I am one two" Randy said. "Which makes sense because we are all suspects" he added even though the three of us knew we could trust each other.

"Okay, who else?" Dewey asked Randy.

"How about... Gale Weathers she-"

"Oh, come on, she's a bitch but she saved us. She couldn't kill anyone" I cut him off as I knew suspecting Gale would make Dewey uncomfortable.

"Yeah, Y/n's right. Gale couldn't do something like that" Dewey added earning an eye roll from Randy.

"Do you have any better idea?" Randy started to get impatient. He loved this, making theories, but he didn't like being wrong or being told he's wrong.

"Well, we're in a sequel right?" I started earning a nod from both men. "Then maybe the killer's related to one of the previous ones. Like secret lover, hidden sibling, 'missing' parent" I explained.

"That... That could make sense" Randy spoke out loud but he was obviously talking to himself. We thought it would be a good idea to add Gale to this conversation but first Randy had to join his friends for lunch. He asked me to join them and I couldn't really say no, I wanted to spend some time with him and Sidney.

It felt weird sitting at the college cafeteria with all the other students. I was right next to Mickey which made me feel deeply uncomfortable as I was convinced this man was somehow involved. We started eating and things were as good as they could be considering what was happening until Sidney's boyfriend started singing.

We all watched as he performed his little song and told Sidney how much he loved her. He gave her his frat necklace and they literally ate each other's mouths, disgusting. I was happy Sidney found someone but I still was a bit jealous. You can't just get over someone you've spent your whole life having feelings for. At least I had a proper closure to see story, Sidney and I talked about it a lot and we agreed on ending things before it got too serious. Gale dedicated a whole chapter to this in her book.

Randy and I walked until we ran into Dewey and Gale. We started to explain our theories to Gale who seemed intrigued and kind of disappointed that Randy thought she could be the killer.

"Well, it's got to be someone from or related to Woodsboro but I'm not a killer!" she rambled as if we still had a doubt.

"The only things you've ever killed are respect, boundaries and my patience" I sarcastically chuckled earning a gentle nudge from my brother who obviously looked upset.

"I think the killer is trying to finish what Billy and Stu started, think about it-" Randy started to explain but was interrupted by Gale's phone which rung. Randy picked up and his face turned pale. He mouthed us 'it's the killer' and told us that he could see us.

Next thing I know, we were running around taking everyone's phone trying to figure out from where the killer was calling. It was smart to split like that and go separate ways and I only realized it when I noticed Randy hadn't followed me. I was alone and I couldn't see him or my brother and Gale who I assumed went together.

"Y/n!" I heard Gale's voice behind me. "Have you seen Randy?" she asked trying to catch her breath.

"No, he didn't follow me, I thought he went with you guys" I said and my brother shook his head in a negative way confirming that Randy wasn't near them.

"Fuck" I mumbled. "Randy!" I screamed hopping he would hear me. Gale and Dewey mimicked my action until we reached Gale's van. Her cameraman appeared out of nowhere scaring the shit out of us.

"What's that?" he said, pointing at the van. Only then we noticed the blood heavily dripping from the engine. Dewey sighed and opened the door. When he did, my heart stopped for a second and I felt it, that sharp pain I felt that night in front of the garage door. Randy was laying there, covered in blood. I tried to do something, I tried to apply pressure on the wound but it was too late.

His throat had been slashed and I could feel his cold skin under my hands. Dewey tried to pull me back but I didn't want to let go; I couldn't let go.

"It's over Y/n, he's gone" he whispered in my ear, once again trying to pull me out of the van.

"But we were right there, we were literally right there..." my voice completely broke as I realized this could have been avoided if I'd stayed with him. Dewey wrapped his arms around my waist and, with Gale's help, got me out of the van. I insisted on closing Randy's eyes before the police arrived.

We were taken to the precinct and asked the usual questions. One of the officer wanted to call Martha but I told him I would do it; I should be the one who tells his little sister what happened. I took my phone, dialled her number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hi, it's Martha Meeks, who am I speaking to?" her usual cheerful voice spoke through the phone. "Hello?" she spoke again after a few seconds of silence.

"I'm sorry... Martha, it's Y/n." I started, realizing I had no idea how to do it. "Randy's gone, I'm so very sorry" I tried to speak but my voice completely broke.

"What... What do you mean?" she asked, clearly confused. I knew she heard what I said, she understood what it meant and here I was, having to say it again.

"He was killed Martha, I'm so sorry" I cried hoping she wouldn't ask me to repeat it this time because I physically wouldn't be able to.

"Thank you for calling Y/n, take care" she told me between sobs. I knew she would call again soon, when she'll be ready and she'd ask how it happened. I didn't know if I was ready for that conversation but it's the least I could do.

I placed the phone back on the table and waited until the police told us we were free to go. My skin was itching due to the dry blood on my hands and forearms. Dewey drove me back to the hotel and Gale stayed in the room with him while I took a shower.

The warm water ran against my skin and turned red due to the dried blood. I watched as it slowly went back to its usual crystal-clear colour. Tatum was gone and now so was Randy. I lost two of the most important persons in my life. My sister and my best friend. In that moment I thought maybe I should be the next one, maybe I don't deserve to be here if they aren't. Maybe, if this son of a bitch comes after me I won't fight. I don't want to fight.

TOO YOUNG FOR THIS, Sidney PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now