Healing wounds

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I was struggling to clean my shoulder as this shit hurt like hell. I mean I wasn't exactly ready to get stab in the fucking shoulder.

"You need help?" Sidney asked coming from behind me.

"I got this" I mumbled still mad that she implied that I missed my shot earlier with the killer... the killers... whatever.

"I'm sorry" she apologized, making me look up at her. "You theory about those killers it... it doesn't sound that crazy but it's just... it's scary. I'm... I'm scared" she admitted looking down at her feet.

"Sidney I'm scared too. But it's going to be okay I won't... I won't let anyone hurt you again I promise" I breathe knowing fully well that this was going to lead to a whole other conversation.

"I'm sorry but I got to ask... why did you leave me?" she questioned in a mad and disappointed tone.

"I... I don't think now is a good time to tell you Sidney but I swear as soon as all this is over I'll explain you everything" I weakly smiled at her.

"Fine... let me help you" she took the first aid kit out of my hands and began drying my wound clean and carefully placed the bandage over it. "Here you go" she whispered once it was done. She stroked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Sid..." I started hesitantly "can I hug you, please?" I looked up at her. She didn't bother to answer, she just carefully wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a soft embrace. God I missed this. Her smell. The feeling of her warm body against mine. That's all I ever wanted.

"Does it hurt?" She wondered "I mean your shoulder... how bad does it hurt?"

"It doesn't matter, Tatum and you are safe, that's all I care about" I answered smiling at her as she stepped back a little. Tatum joined us and smirked at me. God I hate her. I mean I love her but I hate her.

"Good you two are solving your problems" she smirked playfully hitting my shoulder. This bitch.

"Fuck you Tatum that hurts!" I yelled at her.

"Oops" she laughed getting away from me making sure I won't hit her back.

Morning was already coming up so we got ready for school and left the house. As I succeed to get transferred I would just follow my normal classes here and get transfer again when I'll leave. We arrived there and people were running around in Ghostface costumes trying to scare everyone. Sidney was moved by all that and just ran away to the bathroom. I didn't follow her cause I assumed she needed to be alone for a sec. Tatum's stupid boyfriend couldn't stop making jokes about it. Ugh I hate him. He's a living piece of shit.

I was walking down the hall when Sidney violently bumped into me, almost making fall.

"Jeez Prescott watch your steps" I stated annoyed.

"He was- he- and I-" she rambled completely unable to form a complete sentence.

"hey" I said lightly, cupping her face in my hands "breathe okay, what happened?" I wondered.

"He was there, in the- in the bathroom he- he was there" she cried, burying her face in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her and held her as tight as I could.

"It's okay, you're okay, I got you" I said as I dragged her out of the building. We found Tatum and Stu My Ass waiting for us outside. Did I mention I hate Stu? I mean he could be that psycho killer and I wouldn't even be surprised. And I'm pretty sure his killer buddy would be Billy Dickhead Loomis.

"Guys have you heard the great news?!" Stu screamed running like a child. Prick.

"What news?" Sid asked looking at him with her brows slightly frowned.

"School's closing thanks to this psycho killer, I'm throwing a party at my place tonight to celebrate" He smiled proudly. Oh, this is it.

"Stu thank you so much, thanks to you and you little friend Billy we will all become brainless and jobless and end up on the sidewalk sucking dicks to pay our bills" I sarcastically threw at his face.

"Y/n!" Tatum widened her eyes at me, shocked by what I was insinuating. Sidney laughed and Stu just looked down at his feet.

"You've always been a bitch to me anyway. If I was the killer you're the first I would have killed" he mumbled before laying his hand on my sister's ass. Gross.

"What if I wasn't there so you scared Tatum just enough so that she would call me, knowing fully well that I would come back if she asked. Then you tried to stab me but I shot you right in the shoulder. Nice hoodie by the way, it hides the bandage pretty well. So, you did try to kill me, your lazy scumbag ass just didn't succeed" I said, my eyes locked with his and for a short second I swear I read fear in his eyes.

"Y/n that's enough!" Tatum yelled at me. "You're fooling no one, we all know you didn't come back for me, you came back for Sidney. And stop acting like a bitch, Stu didn't do anything! He just nicely invited you to a party and that's all you can answer? You're such a cunt" she madly threw before taking her boyfriend's hand.

"Fine. Go to that party. But when you'll get gut like a fish or whatever don't call me cause I warned you Tatum. Don't you ever dare ask for my help again" I said, feeling the tears forming in my eyes, then I walked straight to my car.

I started the engine and drove to that one place I knew I would be alone and at peace. It was a small coffee shop at the end of the Main Street. It was most of the time empty and the owner was an old man who always wear that bright smile on his face. I entered the place and ordered waffles and a black coffee. After a few minutes the door swung open and a familiar voice spoke up behind me.

"I knew I'd find you here..."

TOO YOUNG FOR THIS, Sidney PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now