Meeting her

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Chapter 12

Next morning Neil wakes up due to the rohit voice. Slowly opening his eyes he realised that he slept in the hall itself while waiting for her .  Staring  around he  saw rohit entering from the entrance while speaking with someone on the phone with raunak and some other guards following him while  as usual the mansion was surrounded by the  guards everywhere while Maids were doing their work.

Is he alone ??

Where is she??

"Oh Neil good morning"

Neil came out of his trance hearing someone. He upped her lashes to find rohit.

"Good morning " he replied

Rohit - what are you doing here early in the morning he asked making Neil quickly glance at the watch which showed half past five.

Neil - woh..woh... .act....actually..i.....he stammered not knowing what excuse to give

Rohit - Were you missing someone  he asked in a teasing tone making him embarrassed

Hell yeahh

Neil - will I miss her he replied staring everywhere but at him

Neil why the hell are you stuttering.

Rohit - Her you mean my boss Avni but I didn't take her name  he again asked making widen his eyes

Neil I think I should be getting ready for the office he said and quickly started moving but stopped hearing  him

Rohit - Oh so you don't wanna meet her no problem. Raunak come let's go he said knowing very well what's going in Neil's mind but decided to tease him more..

Neil - no wait I wanna meet he spoke immediately turning toward him.


Rohit - Oh really but said that you have to get ready for office.

Neil - no ..i mean I have time....and also she will get angry naa that I didn't followed her order he said with a little


Rohit - no don't worry if you don't wanna meet her.  I will make her understand right raunak he said sinking at raunak who was trying to suppress him laugh seeing Neil whose whose ear turned red due to embarrassment.

Neil - no i wanna meet he said with a little frustration

Rohit - I know boy you don't need to pretend in front of me that you don't care for her just go and get ready I am waiting.

Neil - Okay he said and immediately rushed to his room.

Rohit - both are silly he said smiling a little while rubbing his temple.

Last night was a disaster Avni being Avni didn't listened to anyone and kept threatening them to let her work other side she will kill them. Even after falling asleep she didn't stop and kicked the doctor in areas where sun doesn't shine who  came for check up  but he now he himself needed that who was unfortunately Ali.

Neil - I am ready.

He came out of his trance hearing Neil .

Avni - I am telling you for the last time I am not a handicap.

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