Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"You get freshenup I will order breakfast." Saying she ordered one of the guard.

Avni left for the for meeting after having breakfast with Neil. While Neil too left for the office.

Soon days started to pass Avni started to be super busy. Avneil didnt got time together ,she used to come after Neil slept and leave before he wake which somewhere Neil didnt liked but he kept silent not wanting to interfere in her work. It been a week since he last saw her.

It 3 in the afternoon Neil was completing his work when suddenly his door opened a girl burst in his office.

"Neil...Neil you mam...Avni mam is here in this building. Can you believe" Girl said excitedly.

"So....its her office Niti,she is the boss. She can come here any time so whats new......"Neil was going to say but stopped realising what she said.

"What Avni is here??"Neil asked loudly making her eyes wide.

"Shh...Neil keep silent if anyone heard you calling her by her name then definitely we are gonna be fired."Niti said not knowing that he is her husband and they are married.

"Yeah..I am sorry I just got excited"Neil said trying to make an excuse. Niti was sweet a girl whom  He met on his first day  as she was working as the recesptionist there then they became friend.

"You know Neil I even saw her bf also. He is soo handsome"Niti said dreaming.

"What bf??"Neil asked getting shocked with this new information.

"Yes you dont know about Mr Jones and mam.  They are dating from a long time whole office knows about it and they even went out together, some days before when some media people captured them."Niti said.

"What?? It cant be possible because she is my...."Neil was going to say but stopped realising that he was gonna say. He cant let anyone know any about their marriage. No he cant.

"Why cant it be possible Neil??"Niti asked.

"Noth..nothing."Neil said

"Okay..but you Neil I am jealous of mam that she got the most wanted bachelor of the New York(well Justin had came here for the business) Justin Jones. You I just wish that I was in her place."Niti said making him clench his fist tightly trying to control himself .

"Niti I think you should  leave otherwise if the manager saw us gossiping then he will give extra work."Neil said  making her nod hurriedly and she went.

Who is this Justin Jones??

After completing his work Neil glanced at the clock it was 7 in the evening everyone had already left at 6 but due to some pending work Neil had to stay in the office.

Locking his cabin Neil went inside the lift and pushed the ground button.

Reaching there he was going to come out but stopped seeing Avni with a guy they both smiling and talking with each other. Avni was nodding her head for whatever that guy was saying. Then he hugged her and went away.

"I hope that this time you will not mess my work like last time. Because I swear that if you did that this then I am gonna kick you right into your a** for wasting my  damn time."Avni said sternly

"Oh Avu...I mean baby mean Ms Mehta I promise that this none of my girlfriend will barg into your office because of me"Justin said smiling cheekily.

"Mr Jones are you sure about it because I am really not gonna waste my time. After lots of requesting from your father I have assigned you as our model and now I dont want any mistake regarding it. And be ready for the shoot tomorrow"Avni said sternly

"Oh..oh god I am so happy Avu. And dont worry I will do it properly this time."Justin said excitedly and was gonna hug her but she pushed him away

"Oh..I am sorry"He said making her nod

"Okay then I should be leaving now."Avni said.

"Show I drop you??"He asked making Avni look at him strangely

"No..I already have mine you can leave now."Avni said sternly getting inside her which was already waiting for her.

"Ohh..Ms Mehta you look so beautiful when you get angry "Justin said making her roll her eyes at him then  her car left while Neil ,who listened his words wanna punch him.

How dare he.??

Next day Avni entered inside the office with her PA  following her.

"Where is Mr Jones??"Avni asked walking ahead.

"Mam in the fifth floor where the shooting set up had been arranged. "Alex her Pa said

"Okay I will check that later but before that I need the progress report of every employ who had been arranged in last 6 months and rests you check them." Avni said walking inside her office.

"Okay mam I will it in 5 minutes"Rohan said

Avni was checking some files when she heard the knock.

"Come in"She said still her eyes fix on the file.

"Keep it on the table and if Mr Jones comes the bring him directly to my cabin. Now you can leave"Avni said marking some clauses which needed to be changed in the file but then stopped not hearing any movement.

Upping her lashes she saw Neil standing there.

"Neil what are you doing here that too this early?? Do you need anything?? You should told Rohit about it he would have already have done something about that."Avni said staring him.

"Avni..I dont need anything??"Neil said

"Oh..then.......then why are you here?? Did something happened ??"Avni said getting up from her chair,walking toward him.

"Nothing I just came here to see you because maybe you dont remember but we haven't seen each other from many days."Neil said making her feel guilty as from last many days she was very much busy in her work that most of the she didnt even go home and slept in the office itself that too hardly for 3-4 hours

"Neil..I am sorry actually you know na that how much busy I am these days.  "Avni said

"Its okay Avni you dont need to say sorry.Actually I wanted to ask if we can have dinner together tonight?? Only if you are free??  "Neil said last sentence hurriedly seeing her staring him.

"Yeah why not??"Avni said smiling making him relax.

"Okay then I will pick you up at 7 in the evening. "Neil said smiling

""Avni was going to say something but was cut off when the door opened.

"What..thae hell?? How dare you enter without...."Avni was going to say but stopped seeing the person.

"Mr Jones.."Avni said

"Oh sorry, did I interrupted something ??"Justin asked

" No Mr Jones the shoot is going to happen in the 5th floor. And I think we should go "Avni said walking out of the door totally forgetting about Neil.
Neil was going to his cabin when he bumped into someone the person was going to fall but he held her by her waist.

"I am sorry I didnt saw you.actually I was busy so I didnt..."Alex said standing straight.

"Hey..its okay even I was not looking on my way.."Neil said

"Then its okay"Alex said giving him a small smile.

"What happened you look worried??"Neil asked noticing her perplexed face

"Actually can you  help me in the shoot please as my assistant didnt came today and no one is ready to work there as everyone is scared of Avni mam. So if you could help me please."Alex requested making him nod as he couldn't able to deny her and also maybe by this he could spend some time with Avni.

P/s- Its unedited so ignore the mistake

Lots of love to you all

Love you all

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