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Chapter 15

Entering inside Neil was her sleeping facing her back toward him. Taking slow steps he moved toward her and covered her properly with the dulvet and stared her face few seconds but then turned to leave when he felt a hold on her wrist.

"Where were you??" She asked making him freeze.

Turning toward her he saw her.

"You were not sleeping" he asked her shockingly.

"No, I was waiting for you" she said

"Why werent you the one who wanted me to leave" he asked

"Yes I wanted you to leave and if you ask me now then also my answer will be the same." She said making him more hurt

" why were you waiting for me" he asked looking away trying to control his tears. He didnt knew that why he was this much affected by her words but he only knew that he was hurt that she dont want him here to be with her.

"I was waiting for you for the same reason I wanted you to leave, to protect you. Neil your safety is very much important for me. I dont care what happens to me but I cant let anything happen to you." Hearing her tears started to flow from his eyes but this time the reason was different.

"Heyy why are you crying" she said getting up and cupping his face.

"What happened neil are you hurt somewhere?? Did someone said anything to you. Tell me why are crying." She asked panicking seeing him crying like a baby. It hurted her to see him like this she can handle anything but not this.

I promise neil I will kill them whoever made you cry.

Hearing her panick voice he nodded no and hugged her tightly making her stumble  but she regained her balance.

"Shh....baccha what happened hmm...why are you crying " she asked him like she's talking to a baby, caressing his back to make him calm.
They were sitting on the couch, its been nearly half-and-hour since he was hugging her and was not ready leave her. While she was  calmly caressing his hair trying to make him sleep.

"Neil..neil.." she called him but getting not response she slowly deattached him a little only to  saw him asleep.

"Pagal ladka" she smiled watching him sleeping.

She slowly stood up still holding him then she picked him up and laid on the bed and turned to lock the door but stopped hearing his voice.

"Where are you going" he asked her.

Neil who felt the movement slowly opened his eyes and saw her moving toward the door.

"No where " she said turning her head toward him and then locked the door.

"Come" she said lying beside him , opening her both arms widely for him.

Smiling toward he moved near her making her embrace him protectively while he put his head on her chest clutching her waist tightly not wanting to leave her.

Avni smiled with his gesture and slowly  pecked his forehead.

I promise you neil that I will always protect you and will will remove all your insecurities.

Staring him lovingly she closed her eyes.

I promise you avni that I will always be beside you in every situation. And will fulfil all my responsebility as a husband.

Thinking this he too closed his eyes. And soon sleep engulfed them both.

"Ready all the document I will be there in an hour."

Hearing some voice neil opened his and smile  staring  her standing near the window , busy on her call.

"I dont want mistake remember that." Saying this she cut the call and then again dialled some one number.

"See the transaction part" she cut the call without waiting for the reply and then again dialled some one.

"Rohit I want discharge papers ready . "She again cut the call and was again going to dial someone but stopped hearing someone's voice.

"You know you should rest a while" he said watching her ordering others.

"When did you waked up" she said turning toward him.

"Just now when you were busy in giving orders" he said getting up.

"Avni you should rest a while you know even last night you slept late" he said glancing at the watch which showed 6;30.

"Its okay neil I can bare with it"

"You get freshenup I will order breakfast." Saying she ordered one of the guard.

Its unedited so ignore the mistake

Lots of love to you all

Love you all

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