Chapter 19

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"Niti what are you doing here??And these files "Neil asked staring at the her.

"I...I was just taking them to Avni Mam as she called me to take them with me."Niti said nervously.

"Oh okay wait let me also come with you actually I want to talk her."Neil said making her eyes widen .

"No.."She said loudly

"I ....I mean I will take it myself you dont need to come."Niti said running away from there without saying anything leaving him with a frown.

"Please dont...dont touch me. sorry...please" girl said joining her hand.

"Oh girl just one night let us taste you...just one night"one one the man said touching her making her cry when she heard them all laugh.
"You bi**h how dare you"The person said slapping her hard.

"I didn't do anything please I..I am sorry..please"

" did a mistake now its time for your punishment"He said laughing evily.

"Ahh...dont hurt me..I am innocent"girl said

"Ahhh...... no.....ahhhhh...."girl shouted painfully when he put her hand over the burning flame.

"You are a weak pathetic girl who is good for nothing you bi**h. "He said angrily then started to laugh.

"You forgot who did that to you. Who was the one to destroy."

"Shut up......just shut up. I didnt forgot anything. "Avni shouted while punching the punching back hardly.

"I am not weak I am not weak."

"I am strong , very strong . I will not let anyone disgrace me anymore. No one ."Avni said angrily staring at the mirror in front of her.

Neil was working in his office while time to time glancing at her office from the glass door.

She still didnt came.

Is she okay??

Neil glanced at her office when he saw her entering inside with her PA beside.

"I want to talk with her" Neil mumbled to himself.

"Alex ask them to complete the project as soon as possible and this time I dont want any mistake."Avni said coldly making her nod.

"Alex clear my schedule for today and dont let anyone enter come here"Avni said signing her to leave when they heard a knock.

"Come in"Avni said when Neil entered while Alex left leaving them alone.

"Why are you here??"Avni asked him coldly.

"Actually.....I wanted to.......I wanted to ask...."Neil stuttered nervously.

"Neil I am really busy and I dont have time so please just say it clearly."Avni said looking outside.

"Avni I just........umm..nothing I think I should leave"Neil said making her up her lashes at him but then again turned her gaze outside while nodding.

"Even I think so"Avni said making him sad but then he nodded then started to walk outside when her phone rang.

"Hello yeah I dont that how will you do it but just throw them all out. I dont want any burden on my head"Avni said

" You have beat,force or even kill them I dont care but just make them leave the fu***ng place."Avni angrily cutting off the call then threw it away. Then sat there looking out.
It was late night Neil was sitting in the hall waiting for her.

Still she didnt came??

Avni where are you??

Neil thought glancing at the clock which showed 3:20 in the morning. When he heard the door opening and saw her.

"Mr Khurana please dont waste my time I have already told you that I am not gonna fu**ing invest into your company anymore. Now cut the damn call" Avni shouted cutting off the call then sat on the couch closing her eyes but then again opened it feeling some one.

"Here"Neil said giving her a glass of water.

"You are still awake"Avni asked taking the glass from his hands and drank it.

"Yeah couldn't able to sleep alone and hunger "Neil said making her frown.

"You didnt had your dinner?? Why?? Aren't the maid here??"Avni asked making him shook his head.

"They were. But I didnt ate."Neil said making her confused.

"Why??"Avni asked

"Because I was waiting for someone as I couldn't able to eat with her but she decided to come this late."Neil said.

"With shouldn't make someone that important that they started to affect your health"Avni said.

"Well that some one is my wife and I cant eat knowing that she didnt had anything."Neil said making her lower her lashes.

"What happened Avni you look tense from the morning after that incident. "Neil asked holding her hand looking into her eyes  making her up her lashes at him meeting his eyes and both stared each other.

"Its...its nothing"Avni said averting her gaze and was goingbto take her hand back when he held it tightly.

"Avni just say it. It will lower your burden and will make you feel better."Neil said

"Can I ask you something.?"She asked suddenly making him nod.

"Does a person change?? "Avni asked making him confuse.

"What do you mean??"Neil asked

"I am just asking a simple question Neil. Does a person change?? Can a devil can became an angel?? Can a bad person can change??"Avni asked impatiently but earned only silence making her look down being defeated.

"I think you should sleep after having your dinner"Avni said taking away her hand making him look at her. She got up and was gonna move but stopped hearing him.

"Yes "Neil said making her look him confusingly.

"Yes a person can change. Because a devil was once an angel. No one is bad from birth Avni. People make them. And if an angel can turn into devil then even a devil can change himself ,  its just depend wheather that devil had gotten his Angel or not."Neil said making her look him.

" I have answered your question so now can I have my dinner with my wife.? "Neil asked making her nod absent mindly.
They both laying together, Neil was  hugging her tightly hiding his face in her neck holding her waist tightly.

"Avni..."Neil mumbled nuzling on her neck while playing with her hairs being sleepy.

"Hmm..."Avni hummed

"I like your open hairs"Neil said.

I like your open hairs. 

Hearing him Avni looked at him shockingly only to saw his eyes closed.

Being tired both drifted into deep slumber.

Hello everyone I hope you all like it many twists are  gonna come soon. Will end this story soon.  Do give your reviews. Next update will be of Beauty and the beast.

P/s- Its unedited so ignore the mistake

Lots of love to you all

Love you all

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