Chapter 27

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This story is originally published on wattpad by itsyourblackrose.

"Mam what about Neil, should we inform him about your absence??" He asked.

" to inform him anything. In future too ,no need to bother him about me."She  said.

Next morning maids were placing breakfast on the dinning table when Neil walked down the stairs, looking around. Today don't know why but he felt something  different today. The whole mansion seemed to be empty, as earlier whenever he used to wake, he used to hear the bustling noise of the guards teasing each other ,  Avni as always busy giving instruction to them all and them nodding their head while pouting cutely.

But today no one was there ,it was only some maids working around. 

He came out from his trance hearing someone.

"Sir breakfast is ready. "She said making him nod.

"Where are others?" He asked.

"Vidhyut sir didn't come yet and Rohit sir is taking care of some bussines."She informed.

"And Avni where is she??"He asked

"Umm..Sorry sir but I don't know. We have not given any information about  her"She replied making him frown confusingly but then he nodded dismissing her. 

"How are you doing?? And Avni didn't she came??"

Neil came out from his trance Hearing someone. Upping his lashes he saw Neela ma smiling. Its been 15 days since he had been living in that mansion alone, he many times tried to ask Rohit about Avni ,but he just shrugged him off saying she is busy. Feeling bored he decided to visit the orphanage,just to spend some time with them all.

"Ma..She...she...umm..."He stuttered not knowing what to tell as its been half a month  of their argument and from that time she didn't came back, not only her but no one came except the housemaid. From that time no guards follow him anywhere,he's like a free bird without any obstructions but somewhere he know that Avni still had an eye on his safety which somewhere make him feel lucky.

" stupid I am. How can she come when she is not here."Neela ma said making him come out of his trance.

"How you know?" He asked being perplexed.

"Actually ,she called me few days before, that this month she won't be able to come to meet me as she is going on a business trip." Neela ma said making him shocked.

"She informed you?"He asked trying to confirm it.

"Yes but what happened??"Neil ma asked being confused seeing his strange behaviour.

"No..nothing. Umm...I should be leaving now ,I just remembered something urgent." He sat getting up from his chair and immediately walked out without letting her say anything.

She informed her. But didn't she felt important to inform me about her where about.

She didn't wanted her to get worried about her but didn't even feel the need to talk to her own husband.

Wow! What a standard you have given me in your life. I know that,that day in anger I said you many things but I said it all in anger. I didn't meant it all.


Hearing someone  Avni turned turned only to find Vidyut standing beside her.

"When did you came here??"She asked.

"When my friend was standing lost in her thought." He said making her nod silently.

"Why are you hurting yourself Avni?? Why don't you go back Avni? Why dont you return back the place where you peace ,your happiness resides."He said making her chuckle painfully.

"Where you are telling me to return?? I don't have any happiness. No one was and is there for me. I was alone then and I am alone now." She said making his eyes teary.

"I was there for you then Avni and I am there for you now also. And will always be there. I am your friend Avni , I can read you like an open book. And right now I know that you are not happy. Something is there ,tell me Avni?? What is the thing which is hurting you?? Tell me Avni. Like always we will find a solution. " Vidhyut said while the tears started to pour from her eyes making Vidhyut shocked as it was the first time in these five years he saw her crying. After that incident she changed she turned herself to be a stone who never cared about anything.

" were right Vidhu... he...dont love me. He think that I destroyed his life, that I am trying to control his life.. he....."Saying this she broke and started to cry hardly making him hug her tightly.

"Tell me Avi what really happened?? What did he do??" Vidhyut asked making her cry more hardly then she told him everything.

"Don't worry Avi I will solve everything. I will make everything fine."Vidhyut said caressing her hair while trying to control his own tears.

Don't worry Avi I will not leave that bast**d. I will make him regret his own life. 

Reaching home Neil entered inside the mansion only to see some guards standing in the hallway .

"What are you doing here?" He asked frowning.

"Nothing sir we just have come to collect some documents which ma'am asked. " One of the guard replied.

"Where is she??" He asked making them both look at each other then at him.

"We don't have any information about that sir."The same guard answered.

"Did your ma'am came back from her bussiness trip?"He again asked ignoring their words.

"I asked you something. Did your ma'am came back from her bussiness trip?" Neil asked again but this time in a stern voice.

"" The second one answered when a maid came there with a file in her hand and they left after taking it ,while Neil sighed.
Sunrays were peeping through the curtain while Neil was sitting in his office chair lost in his thoughts. It's been a month since he last saw his wife. Its been a month since he had smiled ,without her his life had turnout to be like a hell. Earlier her protectivness used to irk him but now he's missing her. Her care ,her affection,hearing her saying I love you to him. He is missing it all. He knew that he did a mistake,he said her the things which he shouldn't have, he called her love fake , he blamed her for destroying his life, but it was not true. It all just came out in the heat of the moment.

"I am sorry Avni. Please come back where are you??"He mumbled when he heard a voice. Upping his lashes he saw Ronita ,his new colleague who joined few week back.

"Good morning Mr Handsome." She said kissing his right cheek making him widen his eyes shockley.

"Wha...what....."Before he can say anything he heard everyone saying good morning to someone, turning his head he saw Avni  walking in with her secretary and Rohit following behind her.

He smiled when her eyes met his but then they moved upon in up and down and finally stopped in his middle area but then she again upped her lashes meeting his eyes again but instead of smiling or giving any reaction she just averted it away to other making him frown ,then he lowered his lashes only to realise that Ronita was still holding his hand.

Oh! No. Avni saw her holding my hand and maybe kissing my cheek. I hope she don't misunderstood and do something in her anger.

He thought nervously, when he heard her voice.

"Last time what I witnessed something which I don't want it to witness again ,so be careful with your colleagues. They are your co-workers, not your slave. Understood. " She asked staring around with the authority.

"Yes Ma'am"Everyone said making her nod then she entered inside elevator followed by the her secretary and Rohit.

P/s- its unedited please ignore the mistakes.
Lot's of love to you all

Love you all


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