chapter 25

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This story is originally published on wattpad by itsyourblackrose.

Both had their dinner ,spending their quality time , feeding each other. Then after washing their hands both laid the bed.

Neil stared at her when Avni opened her arms toward him, making him smile and he quickly hugged her. Embracing him in her warm arms ,Avni sigh feeling solerense and then slowly kissed his forehead making him smile.

Neil I am trusting you with my whole heart. Please don't ever do something to break my trust , as earlier I was able to handle myself but this time would never be able to stand again.

She stared him but then slowly closed her eyes,hugging him tightly.
Next morning Neil wakes up  due to the sunlight falling on his face. Opening her he felt someone's breath on him ,upping his lashes he saw her sleeping peacefully. To be honest it was the first time of him, seeing her like this otherwise she always used to leave before he wakes and sleeps after him.

Seeing her angelic face he couldn't  able to control himself and started to trace it with his intex finger from her forehead to down her eyes then her nose and he was going to touch her pink lips when suddenly she opened her eyes making him jerk. And he quickly removed his hand, making her confuse.

"Good morning"She said in her morning hoarse voice smiling, hearing her sexy voice gulp the lump formed in his throat.

"Good..good morning"He said looking at her but gulped ,seeing her beautiful heart shaped ,pink lips.

"Neil move"She said trying to get up but seeing him not moving frowned.  Upping her lashes she saw him staring at her making her confuse.

"What are you looking at?? "She asked pushing him a little making him come out of his trance.

"No..nothing"He said gulping a little while lowering his lashes from her eyes to her lips , but then looked away trying to avoid her gaze.

"You know you are behaving strange, anyways I am going to get ready as I have an important meeting today afternoon."She said before getting up and walking to the closet to take her clothes.

Neil what happened to you?? What the hell were you thinking??

But why can't you think that? She is your wife.

His subconscious mind argued making him shut his mouth.
Few days later.

"Any new update from the office."Avni asked while walking into her office building after a long time. As it's been a week since she last visited here , she had been really busy while handling the other branches, that she didnt got time.

"No Ma'am but our special client from China Mr So Ju Hun is coming today afternoon to talk about our recent project with his company." Her assistant informed making her nod then she entered inside the VIP elevator which was only for her to use.

"Bring me the files which are required  for today's meeting" She said dismissing him and was going to enter inside her office but stopped.

I should check on Neil, so we can have together.

She thought while entering inside the elevator,  as from last week they didn't have spend much time together.

Reaching in the 26th floor of the building Avni came out from the elevator and was going to move inside but stopped seeing the view from the glass door. It was Neil working on his laptop when a woman wearing a slutry clothes came near him and started to flirt with him , occasionally touching him here and there.

"Oh..boy just agree with me and I  promise to show You heaven."The sultry girl said.

"Jas please leave I need to complete the work. "Neil  said and again start working.

When a boy along with a girl came there with a bunch of file. And kept it there asking or can say ordering him to complete them.

"I can't do this much of the work as I already have my files to complete. " Neil said

"We don't care complete these files till afternoon or be  ready to get fired" The boy said.

"But.." Neil wanted to argue but was cut off

"Oh! Raj don't you think that now a days this rat is arguing too much" the second girl said while smirking .

"Don't worry Riya. A rat can't become a lion, he will always be a rat" the named Raj said making them both laugh.

"Complete it or you don't know....."Raj started but was cut off by a loud bang , making them all flinch.

"Or what will you do??"Avni asked while kicking on the glass door angrily.

"Tell me bas**d what will you do??"Avni asked making them all flinch.

"Who are you?? And how dare you to call me a bas**rd?"Raj asked making her smirk , when  the manager came running there.

"Ma.."Manager was going to speak but was cut off by her.

"Call the CEO right now." Avni said  making him bow to her respectively making other confuse as why he was bowing at her.

Who is she??

They all didn't have met her before as she is always busy, don't show up much frequently, so only high authority and some of the old employees know her.

"Ye..yes ma'am"Manager said scarcely before leaving.

"Avni please stop."Neil said trying to stop her.

"And you miss. If you have this much of the heat in your body then why you come here?? Go to some who*e house. I am sure there you will much comfortable."Avni said making them all gasp and the girl Jas embarrass.

"You.." Saying this Jas was going to slap Avni but then moaned painfully as Avni twisted her hand  hardly then pushed her on the ground.

"Who.. who are you?"Riya asked scarcely when CEO of the company came.

"Good....Good  Mor...Morning Ma'am" CEO said making all the employee shocked.

"Mr Dev, I think that now you have got tired of you  CEO position. Isn't  it. "Avni asked making him sweat.

"'am what are you...what are you saying?? "He asked sweating profusely.

"Then what the fu** is going on here?? Is this called an office?? Are these people what called employees??"Avni asked him coldly.

"Avni please stop it." Neil said holding her hand.

"Take your fu**ing things and come to my office. " Avni said sternly,  yanking back her hand away from his grip.

"Ma'am please we are sorry. We will not do anything like again please" The trio pleaded , trying to hold her legs but she moved away.

"Make sure that they don't get  to work in this whole country otherwise be ready to be unemployed your whole fu**ing life."Avni said pointing at the trio before leaving.

"I am sorry , for her behaviour."Neil said bowing at them all then left but not before glancing at the trio pitifully.

P/s- its unedited please ignore the mistakes.
Lot's of love to you all

Love you all


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