Chapter 26

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This story is originally published on wattpad by itsyourblackrose.

"Make sure that they don't get  to work in this whole country otherwise be ready to be unemployed your whole fu**ing life."Avni said pointing at the trio before leaving.

"I am sorry , for her behaviour."Neil said bowing at them all then left but not before glancing at the trio pitifully.

She left leaving everyone  awestruck while Neil followed her behind.

"What on earth did  you do that??" Neil asked her angrily, once they entered inside her office.

"I did. What was right. And why in the world are you not understanding? You fu**ing stay there everyday yet you let these sh*t happen??"Avni asked him coldly.

"I didn't spoke because I didn't felt the need. And why are you always getting on my way?? "

"For god sake Avni I am a fu**ing adult. I can take my own decision you don't need to always interfere in that."He shouted making her angry as well.

"I am interfering. Really Neil. If you were a fu**ing adult then I wouldn't have to interfere in your  every fu*king matter to protect you. If you could have handled your problem yourself then I wouldn't be here wasting my working hours in these mess but guess what, you are not. That's
The reason why I always need to take matter in my hand. "Avni said.

"So did I said you to do that. Did I told you to protect me. No right. You are the one who dragged me in your mess. You are the one who kidnapped me and married me forcefully. You are the reason because of which I am not allowed to go anywhere freely without your so called bodyguards who always follow me. You are the one who snatched my freedom from me Avni. "He shouted making her clench her fist angrily and both glared each other angrily. As at this point both of their anger was on peak.

"Take that back."Avni said  coldly trying to calm herself but her all patience broke hearing his next words.

"You know what Avni , sometimes I regret the moment we got married. Avni I am fed of this overprotective behaviour of your. I feel suffocated with this cold self of your."He said.

"Take your words back Neil,  otherwise it will not be good for you."Avni said deadly staring in his eyes while he too didn't backed out and kept glaring her.

"If I didn't then, what will you do?? Kill me. Like you killed my brother. Tell me Avni , what will you do??"He said making her shocked.

""Avni stuttered making him smirk.

"I heard your and your so called friend talking. What did  you thought I will not know it? You know what Avni you always say that you love me right??"

"But in reality ,no. You dont love me.  You can never love anyone. You know why?? Because  you are just a selfish bi*c......"Neil was going to say that but was stopped feeling a stinging pain on his cheek making him come into reality.

"Today you proved Neil Khanna. That a devil will give birth to a devil only. You proved that a blood is more thicker than love."Avni said angrily controlling her tears, not to show him her weak side. Then she left the office without turning back to him while he stood there dumbstruck, not  knowing what exactly happened??
It was night when maid knocked into the room to call him for dinner.

"Sir dinner is ready. Should I bring it here or you will have in the dinning table. "Maid asked.

"I am coming in a bit."He said making her nod and then she left.

After freshening up he walked down.

"Where are all??" He asked.

"Sir ,Vidhyut sir had some important work ,so he will not come today. Rohit sir had said that  they too will not come today." She informed making him nod silently. Then she went after serving him his food.

Hearing her he looked at the big table where he was sitting alone. 
Suddenly he lost his appetite. Not wanting to waste the food he called the maid and asked her to have it, before leaving to his room.
Avni was working in her office when Rohit came.

"Avni , have your dinner. It's already very late. Let's leave. " Rohit said.

"Rohit I am not hungry. You can have it and no. Today I am not leaving. And ask the aviator  to get the jet ready. I need to leave for Russia urgently ,for the mafia meeting as to show them who the real leader is. Lastly ask my secretary to get all the files ready.  "She said making him nod.

"Okay I will ask get all the things ready and will ask the maid to get all our things packed."He said.

"No.. you people are not coming with me ,I will be leaving alone."She said making him shocked

"No..Avni, we can't let you leave alone. "Rohit said. 

"I will be leaving alone means I will leave alone. You guys just handle everything and yeah make sure that the chaos which happened today, should not be happened again. I can't let my name be degraded like that. In my company every employee need to follow the same rules and  be treated equally. "She said making him nod.

"Mam what about Neil, should we inform him about your absence??" He asked.

" to inform him anything. In future too ,no need to bother him about me."She  said.

P/s- its unedited please ignore the mistakes.
Lot's of love to you all

Love you all


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