Chapter 18

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Looks like y'all have voted but for the sake of spoilers I'm not gonna say what won ;) so get ready for the last chapter guys!
Phil's pov:
"PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! FOR AYZIA, for me.." I Blurt out at Dan also slapping him in the face.

Dan holds his now swelling cheek. He doesn't blurt anything back, he just hugs me.
I thought I was angry, but now I'm just crying.
How can she not be responding to the life support? It's meant to be keeping her alive not letting her die! Ugh I need sleep, but I can't sleep knowing that this might be her last day.

Dans pov:
I can tell that Phil is hurting just as much as me, I mean this is his daughter. Maybe I can do something to take our mind off of this situation for a bit. I guess a YouTube video would be nice as it's been a bit since we've done one, especially together.
"Hey phil."
"Yeah" he sniffles
"Would you like me to go home and get our camera so we can film something? Just to take our minds off of this situation for a bit." I ask
"Um sure. I'll ring you if anything happens while your gone."
I nod my head and leave for the car.

On the way back to our apartment a song comes on the radio. I know what it is straight away but it's sad tune. I pull over the side of the road in fear of crying. I hum the first part as tears role down my eyes. getting to the end I star to sing.

"So let the light guide your way, yeah
Hold every memory as you go
And every road you take, will always lead you home, home

It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again"

Tears start streaming heavily down my face as the song ends. when it does I wipe my face and keep heading home. I need to stay focused, I can't keep braking down like this.

Phils pov:
While Dans gone I'm thought I would think of what to do in the video. But I can't really think of anything cheery.
I've always been very open to my subscribers, so why don't we do a kinda vlog video where we talk about what's happened? I know it's the opposite of keeping our mind off of this but I really need to blurt it all out to someone.
I hear coming from ayzias machine.
Is that..
I hit the emergency button.
Just then a team of 4 doctors and 2 nurses run in and push me out.
"I'm sorry we need all the room we can get." one of the doctors say to me as he shuts the door in my face.
I'm stunned. what do I do? Call Dan, that's
What I have to do.
I dial his number and it rings 2 times before he picks up.
"Hey I'm about 3 minuets away and-"
I hung up before dan could react.
What can I do? I'm panicking so much that I don't realise I'm being dragged into the waiting room by a nurse, and he's muttering something but I can't hear him. Oh god what do I do.

Dans POV:
PhlL hangs up on me and my first reaction is to get to the hospital as fast as possible. Once i pull up I see phil just... Sitting there. He looks so lifeless.
"Phil..?" I'm starting to tear up.
'Pull yourself together.'
I remember him saying, so I hold back from tears.
Phil looks at me With a blank expression, like all of his emotions have left his body.
He doesn't look sad, angry, upset or anything! He just looks kinda.. There?
"What's going on?" I ask him urgently.
He just blinks slowly and turns to stair at the window to Ayzias room.
I go over to look.
There are nurses and doctors everywhere but none are actually doing anything to Ayzia. I catch my eye on a nurse writing something in Ayzia's sheet. Something I can't quite see.
I look at Ayzias heart monitor. It's off? Is she... No... She's strong she can't be..
I walk back over to Phil and sit with him. I don't want to feel.

Still dans POV:
'Wake up dan'
I feel a violent shaking.
I wake up in a bed, and phil at my head.
Was it all a dream? Phil seems normal.
I'm suddenly really happy.
'Omg Phil I had the craziest dream! Ayzia was in a coma and her heart stopped beating and-'
Phil face begins to drop.
Why is he so sad?
I take a look around me. This isn't my apartment? This isn't my bed? Wait, this isn't even a real bed, it's a sofa bed!
I'm in a hospital? That means..
"That wasn't a dream Dan..."

Phil's POV:
I couldn't sleep like Dan could.
A nurse had come into the waiting room and told me the news. Now I have to tell dan.
"Dan, there's no easy way of saying this. But." I start tearing up. So does he.
"The doctors said we are going to have to take her off life support." I start crying.
"She's... D-d-dead?" He tries to keep it together.
"Barely alive." I manage to get out.
A nurse comes in telling us it's better to do it now, so we can start the healing process.
All I can do is nod my head.
We follow the nurse into Ayzias room where she is laying pale and lifeless.
I go over and say my goodbyes then dan goes.
Before he could do it however, he trips over his shoe lace and hits a button on the machine.
The machine sends and electric shock to Ayzias heart and the machine starts beeping like crazy.
The nurse starts yelling.
Doctors come running in again.
"ITS A MIRACLE ITS A MIRACLE!" I hear Some yell. In all this chaos I look towards Ayzia.

Ayzias POV:
I open my eyes.
"Ow." I say rubbing my head.
Sudden silence.
I look around.
"Um... Hi? I don't mean to be rude but why are you all staining at me?" I ask confused.
"You were gone... How are you... Back?" Some weird looking dude with a green coat in asks.
"Wait. Am I in a hospital?" I ask another question
I'm so confused. Suddenly a huge pain hits my chest and I lay down.
"I'm so glad your back" whispers the familiar voice of my boyfriend who hugged me so hard it hurt and pushed me back onto my bed! (That was the pain if you aren't clear)
"I'd never leave you, but can I please know what's going on?"

Phils POV:
We explain to Ayzia everything that happened and she was quite shocked.
I'm so glad she's back. Now we can go back to normal!

~~~~~~~~~~~10 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ayzias pov:
"Hi my names Ayzias, yes I know it's a weird name but I get teased enough about it ok?"
(A/n if you remember this, comment on this line 😀)
"I deleted my old YouTube channel as I haven't been posting for awhile and wanted to start fresh."
"Sweetie don't chew your toys" I hear dan say.
I pause the video
"Dan is Cheyenne chewing her toys again?" I asked my newly wed husband.
"Hahah yes dear, but she's so cute I can't bare to tell her off." He looks at me all puppy dog eyed.
Phil knocks on the door as he wanted to take care of his granddaughter for the day. Before I answer I ask dan one question.
"Is that how you felt when you first met me?" I ask
"I still do."

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