Chapter 16

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Brianna's pov: (bri I'm so sorry 😂)

I'm in the hospital bed sweating like crazy.

"Did you want to hold your daughter?" Mitch comes in holding little baby Emma.

"Of corse!" I say tears falling down my eyes.

I hold Emma, she's so sweet!

I haven't checked my phone in awhile.
I look over to see 2 texts from Tiegan.

Hi Brianna I thought I should tell you Ayzias in hospital I will text you when I have more information.

She's in a coma. I'm devastated I don't know what to do. please help me.. 😪

This is both the happiest and saddest day of my life what's going on PEOPLE CANT DO THIS TO A PERSON THAT HAS JUST BEEN OUT OF A PREGNANCY!!

Phil's pov:
I look at my daughter laying almost lifelessly on a hospital bed in life support and Dan soaking her in tears. I have a kind of messed up life.

"Sorry sirs but visiting hours are over. one of you can stay if you would like?"
The nurse enters.

I look at dan with the same look he looks at me. I know one of us should stay but we really can't be alone right now.

"No it's ok, we'll be back tomorrow" my eyes well up a bit.

My baby.

"Come on Dan, let's go, we will be back first thing tomorrow."

He nods his head but doesn't move so I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the car.

Just before we got into the car dan gave me a big hug, and that's what I really needed.

"Let's go." is the first words he's said for awhile, I hope he's feeling ok, because I really need to let out some steam from all this mess.

Tiegans pov:

*buzz buzz*
My phones ringing, it's phil.

"Hey Tiegan wanna come around?"
"Yeah, what's going on?"
"I will tell you when you get here."
"Ok cya in 10."
"Bye babe."

~~~Le time skip~~~

Still Tiegans pov:

"Hey babe." I come in and give phil a deep kiss.

"Well helloooooooo there." he says suductivly.

I giggle
"So what's up?"

We sit down and he grabs my hands.

"Ok don't freak out buuuuuuut....
I wanna take our relationship to the next level." He looks a bit nervous

"And hooooow do we do this?" I laugh a bit.

"Well I was thinking.. see--- cks..." he said really weirdly.

"Ummm do you mean sex?"

He laughs nervously.

"Nononono hunny don't be nervous." I look him in the eyes.

"I love you ok? But I'm not ready just yet. I'm sorry."

I feel so bad.

"It's ok it's probably better off anyway, I probably only felt like this because I needed to get things off my mind, you know?" Phil blushes.

"It's ok sweetie I'm worried too."
I hug him.

Dans pov:
I just lay starring at the ceiling. why her? Why not me? I should have just stood in for her and she would be here have a happy life while I'm in the hospital bed.
Stupid life.
Stupid me.
Stupid stupid stupid!

I couldn't live with myself if she died.

It's gonna be another night that I cry myself to sleep..



Jesus that was crap. hahaha anyway another chapter, Brianna hates me, Tiegan is confused.
All together pretty weird chapter. hhahaha hope you enjoyed!

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❤️ayzia out❤️

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