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        At the first day of your academy, you enter the classroom wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, the light color contrasting greatly with your twin's black one. Was it a stunt on your part to make the both of you poetically look like the embodiment of Yin and Yang?

Nah, you just like the attention it brings.

"Good morning!" You cheerily greet the few people already in the classroom; next to you, Itachi uncomfortably avoids eye-contact with any them.

Hah, what an awkward loser.

You know you only have a year before Itachi graduates, so you'll milk every moment while you still can.

"This is my younger brother, Itachi! I hope you guys would befriend him, because he doesn't know how to!"

"Kama." Your twin scolds you, brows furrowing in embarrassment as he attempts to bury the bottom of his face in his high neck collar. The light blush dusting his cheeks doesn't escape you, nor does it escape your classmates, which made a few girls giggle at his, admittedly, adorable predicament.

You're making this way too easy, dear younger brother, you snicker amusingly to yourself.

Nothing too interesting happened in your first day.


After two weeks of his absence, Shisui finally makes his appearance at your usual forest clearing at your usual time. If you remember correctly, his team had a C-rank mission to Yugakure, and it would seem that he had just recently returned.

Or maybe not, as he could have already returned a week ago and took a week break before meeting up with you again.

You don't know.

"Aha! I knew you were holding back!" Shisui exclaims triumphantly, his back on the ground as you crouch over him with a kunai poised near his throat.

"No, you were just distracted," you correct him, before removing yourself from his personal space. "Something's bothering you,"

At your voiced observation, he visibly cringes.

"You could tell?"

"Your voice isn't as annoying as usual. Less grating, y'know?" You tell him, as you wave your hand around dismissively. "Wanna talk about it?"

That last bit definitely caught him off-guard, as Shisui now looks at you with wide dark eyes that's sparkling with... with something.

You decide you don't like whatever that look was.

"You're... offering me to confide in you?" He asks, the palpable disbelief in his voice making your eye twitch.

Why the hell would he assume you wouldn't?

...Well, he's right, but still.

"The fuck?" You express, taken aback. "I was asking if you wanna talk about it to a Yamanaka,"

"Oh..." He looks away, disappointed.

"I don't do feelings," you lightly shrug, before keenly following, "but I do secrets! How about this: I tell you a secret, then you tell me a secret?"

"W-why-- what secret?" Shisui eyes you skeptically, not bothering to cover the curiosity in his tone. You keep forgetting he's still a genin.

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