Lover (Part 3)

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Thank you for being patient with me despite my hectic irl schedule lol. I suppose my most consistent update schedule is every 2 months/8-9 weeks oof.

I promise, the outline of this story is already complete, as I already have a clear direction of how this will end before I begun writing. I just keep writing so many words and I have to translate them into english haha;;

That said, I want to give a big shoutout to my naive past self who first thought that this fic will only have 10 chapters. I was an ARROGANT FOOL! AN IDIOT! A CLOWN WITH THESE ADDITIONAL CHAPTERS FOLLOWING ME OUT OF A CLOWN CAR! I DIDN'T HAVE TO LIE TO MYSELF LIKE THAT!!

Anyway, enjoy lmao


Anger is a jarring feeling.

It's an emotion that gives you pause, its intensity so sharp and sudden that you can practically feel it pierce through your rationale with senbon-like precision. Being angry is familiar, you once thought cursorily with wry humor, like coming home only for your face to meet the wooden surface of a baseball bat.

However, once you identify the dangerous feeling, you don't hesitate in reigning it in. Your face learns to instinctively smooth out any creases that could hint at your raging mind, your body language following suit.

Eventually, you no longer gave your anger much thought. You didn't allow yourself to.

(Control your reaction, don't make a sound, hunch your shoulders, bow your head, or else–)

In this life, anger's still a familiar feeling, yes, but it's... strange. Different.

Before, it used to be white and icy, like a contained blizzard that eventually ebbs and fades, never having the chance to surface beyond your thoughts. Now...

Your fury (you no longer think it's just anger) is hot and fiery, its heat lingering longer than Before, as if it's unaccustomed to your usual suppression and resignation; even more so now that you've allowed yourself to openly express it through opportunities of violence that were non-existent from Before.

It doesn't go away.

This rage fights for a place at the forefront of your mind, making you irrational yet focused, with a vision tinted in red that reflects the fire within you that burns and scorches, and threatens to swallow you whole–

It's unsettling.

(You've always been weak to fire.)

Your reactions are one of the very few things you can control, and to potentially lose that control now of all times is...

You can't afford to be illogical here; to falter and make one bad call that would heavily cost you. Not when you're against someone smart, cautious, paranoid, afraid– not when you're against Shimura Danzo.

Against someone like yourself.


Both of you; hardened and ruthless and have something to protect.

It's just unfortunate for the ROOT leader that knowledge is power, and you happen to be more powerful in that regard.

"I only have enough to distract them," Shisui says solemnly beside you. From the periphery of your vision, you notice him reach out for your hand but aborts the gesture before he could make contact.

"I know," you say, not sparing him a glance as you rewrap the bandages around the warm seal on your wrist.

"The next time you see me will be the last time."

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