Lover (Part 1)

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Warning: this chapter is going to give y'all whiplash after whiplash with sudden mood swings. And lots of gay jokes lmao. You brought these to yourselves by telling me I'm funny, and now I'm gonna be obnoxious about it.

In case it isn't obvious from the title, Shisui galore!! Yay!!! Lots of tooth-rotting fluff. That aside, I think this chapter will have 3 parts instead of the usual 2. Sigh, looks like that's another addition to the final chapter counts.


The first time you've worked with Shisui in ANBU duty is when his team coincidentally found themselves against a group of Kiri nin near Konoha's southeast outpost, while returning from a mission. Against their collective luck, one of Kirigakure's Seven Swordsmen happens to be one of their opponents.

Team Takibi is outmatched, majority of their members' main offensives specializing more on discreet assassination than direct confrontation– especially against a heavy-hitter like Munashi Jinpachi, the wielder of Shibuki. The best they can do with the situation is to hold them off until their back-ups come to assist.

Being ANBU's prime frontliners, Team Ro is dispatched as their support.

Trees sprout from the ground the moment your team arrives, Tenzo already making quick work of separating the enemy team from exhausted and injured allies using his Wood Release, with Aburame serving as back-up. It should give Team Takibi some time to catch their breaths and recover.

Kakashi appears beside Tiger– Shiranui Genma, your mind catalogs– with a body flicker, already demanding a quick, "Report."

Even with the sound of battle cries and exploding wood in the background, Genma remains undistracted and promptly gives the summary of what transpired.

"Sparrow, Mantis and Lion are incapacitated; Crow and Frog are injured but abled. Ten opponents– seven jounin and three chuunin– specialize in inhalant poison, close-combat swordplay, and their leader possesses an explosive sword–"

Against your better judgment, you don't listen to Genma's gathered information about the enemy team. In fact, you should probably help Tenzo and Aburame with holding off the enemy, but instead, your eyes search around the leveled forest area and scattered Wood Release obstructions for a familiar mop of dark hair. With your sensor abilities, you easily spot Yugao tending to Sparrow– Gekko Hayate– who's coughing nastily, with Ko next to the other downed agents not too far away, and Shisui is right–

"Owl, huh?" He says right next to you, as if he's always been there. "And, are you seriously wearing all white on ANBU duty?"

"I'm a walking advertisement for laundry detergent businesses. They pay well," you quip with small smile, turning to face him before your amusement slips off your face, your breath hitching at the sight of Shisui's closed eyes that brings forth the memory of his resigned smile to his death by the Naka cliff, and all he needs to do is take a step back

"You okay?" Shisui asks, snapping you out of your shocked daze, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. You blink once; twice.

His eyes aren't bleeding, you reason to yourself, your breath steadying. He's just temporarily blinded, probably from a direct flash of an explosion.

You force out a snort and a quick chuckle, as if holding back laughter the whole time; your smile is brittle but it doesn't matter as long as Shisui can't see it.

"What the hell happened to you? You look like an academy student whose attempt at the Great Fireball jutsu blew up on his face," you joke as you eye his singed clothes, ash-stained face and shut eyes, your hands already performing a quick diagnostic jutsu on him. You hope Shisui won't feel them shaking.

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