Friend (Part 2)

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A/N: In the last chapter, I edited "few months" to "few weeks" because I was half-asleep and later realized that the month after May (which is Iruka's birthday month) is June (which is Kama's and Itachi's birthday month). That's it, enjoy lol


        True to Inoichi-sensei's words, you did receive some interesting news after a few weeks, and it's on the day after your and Itachi's birthday.

        You and Itachi are eleven when the Hokage extends an invitation for the both of you to join ANBU.

        Typically, this calls for a private meeting that involves you, Itachi, Fugaku, and the Uchiha dinosaurs. You admittedly never made an effort to remember any of the elders' names; not that you feel bad about it. They're just not important enough for you to try. Maybe once upon a time, you did think they have value, but in the grand scheme of things, you've grown to learn that they weren't even pawns in this game you're playing.

        Despite their non-importance, they do still have some minor uses.

        That's why you resist the temptation to leave the meeting, as you would first like to set something straight with them.

        Ugh, the things I do for them, you internally groan, feeling your legs numb from your seiza position, as you watch the five elders converse to Fugaku about the benefits and opportunities of having two Uchihas in ANBU.

        (You suspect that they don't know anything about Shisui being part of ANBU.)

        Eventually, their discussion slowly dies down and it won't be long before they lay down their decision for your and your brother's futures; however, before they could, you time it right to speak up.

        "I'll go," you casually say, but there is a tone underneath your words that discourages any objections.

        "Naturally," Triassic-san scoffs. "You and Itachi-sama are to–"

        "Ah, you misunderstand," you cut in with your usual smile. "I'll go to ANBU. Itachi will not."

        Silence permeates within the Naka Shrine's main hall, as all of its current occupants look at you with mixed expressions of indignation, shock and disbelief.

        "Having two Uchiha representatives in the black ops would boost the clan's reputation within the shinobi ranks," Jurassic-san argues, as you raise a brow challengingly, your lips quirked up. "Besides, even if we were to send only one of you, what makes you think that you're better suited for the job? You haven't even awakened your sharingan."

        "Would I have to if I could do what you witnessed me do?" He clicks his tongue at your rebuttal.

        And thus, a debate begins.

        It starts off civil enough, with your affable smiles and polite explanations, and their not-so friendly scowls and irritatingly repetitive defenses.

        They claim that it's to showcase the Uchiha's strength; to prove that the Uchiha can be trusted with the responsibility to serve closely to the Hokage. You refute them and say that it's not the clan's strength that the village doubts, but the clan's loyalty; that others may even feel threatened by the clan's strength because of the suspicion– of Konoha's history, its first traitor. Having to watch over only one Uchiha ANBU would ease the forces you would be joining in.

        Round and round the argument goes.

        Fortunately, you're difficult (and annoying), so you settle with your 'agree to disagree' tactic (which is really just you saying, "yes but no" to all their rebuttals).

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