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Solana leaned her head against her plush pillow as she stirred around to find a more comfortable lying position. Finally, she found one on her side and rested her hands between her naked legs for comfort. Suddenly, she sniffed the lingering scent in the air and opened her eyes.

It smelt like turkey bacon.

Quickly, Solana rose out of her bed and slipped on her robe over her naked body. She smiled with approval at the sight of jeans and a t-shirt folded nicely by her vanity.

She walked down the hall and made her way into the kitchen that was filled with cooked food. A wide smile lit onto her face.

"Someone's cooking it up in the kitchen," She took a couple of steps inside until she stood behind the man by the stove. His muscular back and dissolved short curls was all that she could see as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I just hope you don't burn it down."

Mark scoffed, "Don't insult me."

He pulled her from behind him and wrapped his arm around her waist. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on her forehead and observed her face. "You slept well?"

"Mhmm. Very," She tilted her head and looked up at him. "What are your plans for today?"

Mark placed the turkey bacon strips onto the plates and turned off the stove. "Well, I was thinking that we have a repeat of what we did last night before I head out to get some work done."

Solana rubbed his waist and slowly pulled away, "I would love that, but I have errands to run today...and a mouth to brush."

"That you do."

She smacked his arm and walked off to her bathroom to start her morning routine. Once she was done, she slipped on wide ribbed pants and a white t-shirt.

"Coffee or tea?" Mark yelled from the kitchen.

"Tea, please and thank you."

She wasn't working today, so she didn't need anything to kick start her day.

Mark poured himself a cup of coffee and made her some tea the way that she liked it. Orange pekoe with two sugars and two milks.

"Go sit down."

Solana pouted, but made her way towards the other side of the island where the seats were placed. She took a seat and intertwined her hands as she watched Mark slide her plate over to her. She thanked him and gave thanks before she took a bite of the pancakes he'd made from scratch.

"This is good..."

Mark looked up at her and chuckled, "But?"

"I wasn't gonna say anything!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, you were. You got that look on your face where you wrinkle those thick eyebrows of yours and your lips turn to the side."

"You don't know me," She laughed and rested her elbows on the table. "Well, since you said it. I think you could've used a little less baking powder and more milk. There's a lot of butter...like a lot. But, you did good, Mark."

Mark playfully rolled his eyes and briefly closed his eyes as Solana ran her hands through his curls.

Solana had been in the kitchen since she was a child. From the age of seven she was in the kitchen helping her grandmother cook and bake. They'd be in the kitchen making new things for hours and hours, but none of them complained. If she wasn't in her grandmother's bakery helping her with new recipes, she was home with her baking. Her grandmother gave her the gift of cooking and she cared for her throughout the years.

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