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The air was crisp and the streets were almost empty. It was five a.m in the morning and the sun hadn't even made its peak yet. The sound of running shoes hitting the pavement repeatedly was all that could be heard as Kai went on his regular runs for the morning.

Kai West Amadi.

The twenty -five year old was born and raised in the city. He came from a family of two hard working parents, one of them being from Nigeria. Growing up with two hard working parents that didn't come from much made him work ten times harder throughout his life.

Getting up at five in the morning to start his day, being one of them.

He was blessed with an older sister who was also a successful entrepreneur. She made journals for young women of colour and often traveled around the world to have workshops with young women in need of guidance.

He taught himself to push himself and not to have many distractions or his whole life would be off track. He didn't have time for that.

His Apple Watch began to vibrate against his wrist notifying him that his run was done. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a few deep breaths. Slowly, he walked back around the gated community and made his way towards his townhouse.

His heart rate began to slow down as he walked up the porch and entered his home. Immediately he was greeted by his pit bull; Benji. He'd gotten him his last year of high school when he moved out of his mothers house. He figured that he would need company since he was going to be by himself.

Swiftly, he gently pushed Benji away from the door and closed it behind him. He slipped off his shoes and made sure that was back in her bed, and headed right back to sleep. Benji was used to Kai's schedule and was also pretty overprotective of Kai. There were times that Benjo wouldn't go to sleep or he would wake up out of his sleep and stay up until his owner came back home.

"Let's get you back to bed."

Benji saw in his bed and watched as Kai made sure that the security locks were on before he headed towards the shower. Fatigue began to kick in and he could barely keep his eyes open as the lukewarm water ran down his skin.

He ran his hands over his face and quickly began his routine.

Once he got out of the shower and finished the rest of his routine, he headed out of the bathroom and placed on his sweatpants and a regular white tee. He brushed down his low cut hair and slipped on his gold chain, his watch and a gold bracelet that his older sister gifted him for his birthday.

He scrolled through his phone as he made his way down to the kitchen. Growing up, Kai never ate breakfast. He was always on the go with football practice and didn't have the time to make food. Most of the time he didn't even have an appetite. But growing up he realized how important it was to eat all the three meals during the day.

Instead of saying that he didn't have time, he decided to make time.

He grabbed a cup of yogurt from the fridge and made himself a fruit bowl. It was the quickest thing to make and one of the healthiest things to make.

Quickly, Kai grabbed his puffer jacket and slipped it on. It was always chilly in the morning. He took a quick bite and placed food and water out for Benji before he made his way out of the house and to his black Audi.

Kai drove with one hand and looked around the city. He'd been back in Jersey for three years after moving to San Francisco to study for Business Administration. It was a random pick for him, but he needed out of Jersey. The last thing he wanted was to leave his family, but he was going through too much and needed a fresh start.

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