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              Solana rested her head against the pillow, her eyes closed tightly as she slept soundly

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Solana rested her head against the pillow, her eyes closed tightly as she slept soundly. One thing she would have to say about moving back to Jersey was it was more quieter than back home. She didn't have to worry about any loud neighbours or the terrible noise of honking and pedestrians so early in the morning.

She could get her full hours of sleep peacefully.

Other than when her cousin would come home from being out late-which she Solana noticed that she did often. Sherrie would clearly be high and causing a ruckus as she got ready for bed, before she knocked out.

The sound of her alarm blaring from her phone, caused her to roll her eyes with annoyance. Although she'd gotten seven hours of sleep, she felt like she only got five minutes.

"Take it off already!" Sherrie called out from the room a few doors down from her.

"Shut up! I am," Solana rolled her eyes. Slowly, she reached out and turned off the alarm. She grabbed her phone and noticed the few notifications that she received from Mark. One of them being a picture of a plate of breakfast that he made himself.

I miss you.

She chuckled to herself.

Do you miss me because I was your personal chef, or do you actually miss me?

Haha! I really do miss you. When you coming back?

Solana bit her lip and sat up against her headboard. She hadn't exactly made it clear of the situation that was going on in Jersey. She explained how it was to see her grandmother and cousin, running into an old friend. But she never confirmed if she was actually going to stay or not.

She knew that Mark was in support of anything that she did, but it was different to hear that she was going to go through with it.

Long distance wasn't something that she thought she could ever do. She'd thought about it a lot when she was in high school. It was a risk that she would take, but she soon realized that it was a lot of work that you had to put in.

Seventeen year old Solana and twenty four year old Solana were two different people with different values and outlooks on life.

Young Solana had hope, the older Solana had none.

I have to talk to you about that actually.

Quickly, she jumped out of the bed and headed into her bathroom to get ready. She jumped at the feeling of the cool water cascading down her back. She found it super helpful when she took her morning showers with cool water. Not only did it help her mood, but it pushed her to get up. If she took a warm shower, she would've been right back in that bed.

"Woo!" She squealed as she stepped out of the shower and began her skin care routine.

Once she was done, she headed into her closet. Since the weather was a bit better, she decided to go for tan wide leg pants and a white mock t-shirt.

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