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                   Music blasted through the windows of the sleek back car as Kai sat inside of it with his seat back

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Music blasted through the windows of the sleek back car as Kai sat inside of it with his seat back. Inside of the car was cloudy, you were barely able to see anything if it weren't for the windows that were rolled down a bit. He blew the smoke out from his mouth and placed it towards his mouth for another pull. He'd been smoking since he was a teenager and continued ever since. He didn't smoke many times a day, but twice a day helped. He was always overwhelmed and anxious, so it helped.

Once he was done, he made sure to air out his car before he headed into the shop. Immediately he was greeted with music, overlapping voices and the sounds of razors. He was used to the familiar scent of the nail products, sanitizer and hair products.

"What's going on, y'all?"

Kyle nodded at him as he was cutting a little boy's hair. "We good. What's up with you?"

"Just here."

Allen dusted off his seat and sanitized it before he sat in it. "Now look at you walking in here late like the next Tanisha."

Tanisha rolled her eyes. "Shut up! Today will be the last time I bring y'all something."

"Late? I own this shop."

Kai shook his head and made his way to Remi. She sat behind her large desk with her head down. Her glasses were on the bridge of her nose, her eyebrows furrowed in as she focused on whatever was in front of her.

Remi snapped her head up towards her cousin and smiled. "Hey."

"Hey," He smiled down at her. "Got anything for me?"

Remi shook her head and smirked. "Not at the moment. But, Kayla does."

Kai's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He hadn't spoken to Kayla since she moved out of his house. He'd gotten a few calls and messages from her, but he didn't respond to any.

"What does she want?"

"She came here not too long ago looking for you."

He shook his head.

Kai knew that Kayla wasn't going to let things go so easily, which was absurd to him, because she was the one who cheated. She was the one that decided to break that trust between them.

Cheating was something that he didn't tolerate. The last thing he wanted to do was compromise his boundaries and morals for her.

"Anything else?"

"Nope. There's not many appointments today, just a lot of walkins."


He headed over to his station and began sanitizing everywhere that he could. As she began to dust off the chair and wipe it down, the entrance door swung open. The sound of the jingles caused Kai to look at the door. He cleared his throat at the sight of the average height man that walked inside the shop.

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