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Solana could barely keep her eyes open as she moved slowly around the kitchen. She tried her best to cook something quick to start her day since it started off so terribly. Mother Nature hit her full force, all gas and no brakes. Luckily, she wasn't heavy, but that just made the cramps worse. It became a routine to basically eat almost twelve pills on her first period day. Whatever she could do to get rid of the pain she'd do.

Pouring the oatmeal into the pot, she made sure that all the excess oatmeal was in the bowl before she placed it in the sink. She grabbed the fruits and slid them out on the chop board.

The house was completely silent. The only thing being heard was the sound of Zahara's hums until the front door unlocked and slowly opened. Zahara peered over and noticed heels being thrown. She rolled her eyes and turned away. Solana could see the figure creeping towards her. She didn't feel the urge to even move.

"Solana," Sherrie whispered.


"What, Sherrie?"

"Is Grandma sleeping?"

"Yes, just come in."

Sherrie walked over to her on her tippy toes and leaned against the fridge. She wrapped her arms around Solana, gleefully. Solana frowned and patted her back awkwardly. She was annoyed with the fact that Sherrie came home in the morning. Granted, she was in her mid twenties and could do whatever she wanted to. But it was all about her safety. There were crazy things going on around the city and Solana didn't trust anyone.

When her sister was out she didn't care who she interacted with when she was intoxicated. She was all for a good time, then she would find a way to get home.

"Where've you been Sherrie?"

"I was out with the girls? Fell asleep at Tanya's house." She peeked over into the pot. "No more oatmeal for me?" She winced as Solana smacked her hand.


"Do you do that all the time?"

"What? Look for food?" She raised her eyebrows. "You're the chef here."

"No, party. Is that an every night thing?"

"I mean why not?" I'm grown, I'm not living a terrible life. Sometimes it's good to just live a little."

Solana felt her eyes twitch. Sherrie had been partying since she was in high school. She was down for all the excitement, the entertainment and whatever came with that sliver amount of happiness that a thrill gave her.

Solana knew why she did it. That was her cousin who she grew up with. She knew almost everything about her. But, it was a known fact that Sherrie would never admit to why she was the way she was.

"Good for you."

She placed more milk into the pot and began making more oatmeal.

"Sit down."

Sherrie jumped and clapped before she sat down by the island and looked over at her cousin.

"So, guess who I saw last night?"



Solana's eyes widened. "Oh hell no."

"Hell yes."

Tyrell Blackman.

One of the finest guys back in high school and one of the biggest assholes. Sherrie was hooked on him from the moment that she saw him in the ninth grade. He was from New York and had moved to Jersey, because his mother wanted to move somewhere more calm, but not too far from home.

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