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"Look at my beautiful wife." Vanessa's husband walked over to his wife and hugged her tightly. He kissed her on the cheek and swayed side to side. Vanessa smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Oh, stop it." She blushed.

Her husband pulled away from her and smiled widely at the young woman standing before her. He hadn't seen her since she was eighteen years old. Two weeks before she left for D.C.

"Sol! How are you?" He reached his arm out and gave her a side hug.

Solana giggled and pulled away. "I'm good, sir. How are you?"

He shook his head and looked at her as if she was a child that'd done something wrong.

"Now you know damn well that you don't have to calm me,"Sir."

"Sorry it's a habit."

What could she say? She was raised by her grandmother.

Her eyes widened with excitement when she watched as her son walked inside the house along with his cousins and friends.

Solana looked back and forth between the mother and son with hesitation. Her heart began to beat out of her chest as Vanessa beckoned Kai over.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph. Solana thought.

"Look who's here, Kai!"

Solana's eyes darted around the room for any form of alcohol that was near her. She needed an extra boost to deal with Kai.

Kai smoothly walked over to them. He kissed his mothers cheek before he looked over at the woman that stood before him. Solana tried her best to not look the man over. He wore a black t-shirt that brought out his muscles. It was evident that he'd gotten a haircut and his beard was trimmed down. His long eyelashes brought out his brown innocent-like doe shaped eyes. The gold jewelry complemented his dakr skin. He looked great. But that didn't make up for the person that he was.

He looked into her eyes with his own smiling eyes.

"What's going on?"

Vanessa nodded towards Solana.

Kai smirked at her. "It was nice of you to come."

"Yeah, I wanted to show support to Remi."

She wanted to make it known that she didn't come here for him. He was the last thing on her mind.

Well...not really.

"That's good." He nodded. "How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

Vanessa and her husband looked at each other, and slowly walked away to leave the two young adults to themselves.

"I'm alright. Just living."

Solana bit her lip and looked around for an escape. She kenw that Kai was going to begin to form some sort of conversation that she didn't want to engage in.

"Look, Sol,--"

"Solana," She corrected.

"Solana," He repeated.

Suddenly, his voice was interrupted by the sound of Remi's voice and clincking glasses.

"I would like to make a toast. Everyone gather around," Remi called out.

"Thank you, God." She whispered. "I'm gonna go get a drink for the toast."

Before Kai could say anything, Solana quickly walked back into the kitchen to look for her cousin. She sighed with relief at the sight of Sherrie seated by the island with a drink already in her hand. Sherrie looked over at her cousin and reached her hand out.

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