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             The room was quiet as Solana lay in her large bed

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The room was quiet as Solana lay in her large bed. Her thick blanket was pulled all the way up towards her chest. It was beginning to get colder since the later months were approaching. Solana was preparing herself for the cold weather that she hadn't experienced since she was eighteen.

As she continued to fall deeply into her slumber, she flinched at the sudden drops of liquid on her face. Her eyes squeezed shut at the uncomfortable feeling of the liquid going down her face and towards her ear. Before it could make any contact with the inside of her ear, Solana shot up from her lying position. Her eyes shot open and set on ehr cousin that stood above her with a cup of water in her hand.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Solana snapped.

Sherrie chuckled, "I didn't see you eat anything last night. I made some breakfast."

"First of all, I ate." She wiped the water from her face. "Second of all, I had food last night."

"When?" She raised her eyebrows with confidence.

"Someone brought me food last night."

"Who?" Sherrie sat on the bed and leaned forward.


Solana got out of the bed and grabbed her phone from the drawer. She scrolled through her notifications absentmindedly and placed it back on the counter.

"You guys are really on good terms, huh?"

"I guess. I didn't ask him to bring me food, but he did. And that was it."

Ever since she decided to be cordial with Kai, she noticed that he was trying really hard to get back into her life. She was grateful that he brought her food, because she knew that it'd be the second day she went without food. She was so consumed in making sure that the bakery was perfect and everyone was pleased with it, she wasn't focused on being healthy and making sure that she was okay.

"Okay," Sherrie smirked and made her way to the door. "I'm loving this."

"You're loving what was in the past and it's staying in the past, Sherrie."

"Whatever. I'll be downstairs." Sherrie called out. "I don't know how you sleep with all these damn papers on your bed."

She never stopped working.

Solana shook her head and began her hygiene routine. Once she was done brushing her teeth and completing her skincare, she made her way downstairs.

She was astonished to see that Sherrie was in the kitchen cooking.

Solana smirked and made her way over to her cousin. She looked at the eggs in the pan and looked at her.

"Don't burn it now."

Sherrie rolled her eyes. "Are you gonna help me and put me out of my misery, or watch me suffer?"

"I would like to watch you suffer honestly," Solana shrugged. "I remember plenty of times when we were teenagrs, I would cook for you. So, now you gotta cook for me."

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