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Newt's POV

I sat beside Y/n. And I just sobbed. "Please- just please even look at me? I'm begging you please baby." I sobbed. She didn't move. "Please Y/n I can't live without you anymore! Please please please." I begged. I had a panic attack. Once she noticed she got up and ran to me. Finally. I'm not sure if she can speak. She calmed me and hugged me. She stayed hugging me for 10 minutes. "Can you talk?" I sniffled. She shook her head. "That's okay, any day now." I smiled lightly. She just clung to me. It was like she was snapped out of a trance. I brought her over to bed and lay her on top of me. "I love you so much. When you weren't here it was agonising- I just didn't know what to do and I missed my beautiful girl who loves to drive me mad and make me and our beautiful kids giggle at something silly. I missed MY Y/n" I told her. She looked up at me crying. "Hey baby shh it's okay, you're back now right?" I asked. She nodded. God I love her so much. "Come outside?" I asked. She nodded a little. I've stopped everyone except Jeff and Clint from coming into our hut for weeks now. I walked out with Y/n. Gally noticed and immediately sprinted over and hugged Y/n. "God I love you." He whispered. "She can't talk yet." I told him softly. Teresa ran over. "I missed you so so so so so much!" She sobbed. Alby came over. Y/n backed away a little. "Y/n, it's good to see you. I thought I'd let you know, Paige has been told if she's seen near you or the kids, including Chuck and Hope, she will be immediately banished. I Hope you're all right momma glader." He said. Y/n just nodded and hugged back into me. I picked her up and she snuggled into me. "Still a toddler I see?" Gally laughed. Y/n nodded her head furiously. Then looked to me. She was asking where our kids were. "They're with Fry, see?" I smiled pointing to a very stressed looking frypan. I brought Y/n over and Fry immediately sobbed and hugged her. "God Y/n- this place is hell without your goofy self to make everyone laugh!" He told her. She hugged him for a while until he stopped crying. As she let go Jasper and Hazel ran to her. "Mom!" They yelped as they seen her. She picked them up and hugged them keeping them on her hips as we walked around. Any one tried to take them she stood behind me. Chuck and Hope seen her. They ran and hugged her lovingly. "We missed you Mom!" They both told her. She smiled and kept them close to her. I missed my girl. After a couples hours Paige was spotted. Y/n quickly went back to the hut. I went with her and pulled her into me. The kids had fallen asleep and were in their cots. She kissed me over and over again as if it were her way of saying sorry. Gally Teresa and Fry all came in and sat with us. Y/n seemed so happy and content. Jeff came in. "According to our calculations you should be able to speak the day after tomorrow. You should start trying now." Jeff told her. She did try but her voice was really raspy and croaky. She could only say two words. "I'm sorry" she forced out. "For what? Being sad? Pshhh we all get sad Y/n you've nothing to be sorry for m'love I get sad Newt gets sad Gally gets sad. It's a part of life" Teresa shrugged. Y/n smiled back and soon after fell asleep. Not before kissing me a million times and tracing patters on my stomach. I watched as she slept and kept her close to me. God I love her so much. I really am nothing without her aint I? She slept for a few hours all the while I watched over her. She's so beautiful. I mean every inch of her is perfect. Her long h/c hair and her beautiful e/c eyes and her nose and the freckles across her cheeks and nose, the little blush on her cheeks that's always there. She's just so so perfect. God I love her so much. I didn't know how much I needed her until I didn't have her. My perfect perfect girl.

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