Author's Note

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'His face was huge, shiny and pink, every feature distorted by Hermione's jinx. His black hair reached his shoulders and there was a dark shadow around his jaw. Had [Harry] not known that it was he who stood there, he would have wondered who was wearing his glasses' (J.K. Rowling, The Deathly Hallows, p.370).

A/N A post-war, year-eight Drarry story in which Draco decides that he wants to make some serious changes in his life and stop pretending he's something that he's not. And in which Harry has decided to take the Wizarding World head on because he's fed up with their stuck up, staid, and bullying ways. Along the way, their attraction to one another become very apparent, though there are some who disapprove of Harry's choices. Of course, it's a long, slow build to get there with some close moments and misunderstandings along the way...

I wrote this story because I seriously love an emo, rebellious, and strong Harry and I wanted to play on the passage above from The Deathly Hallows. And because @lottie_marauder_Xx requested a story about Draco with blue hair ages ago and then @PeridotPrimRose (also ages ago) requested this particular storyline re. Draco – not saying because of spoilers... Anyway, I've finally finished it.

Warnings: A slow-build Drarry story (so boyxboy). Contains swearing, a number of depictions of violence. One of the characters develops the symptoms of severe dementia (based on a real-life experience) and some may find this uncomfortable. There are a number of scenes and discussions of a sexual nature but 'fade to black' rather than smut. There is also a reference to historical sexual abuse (not detailed).

N.B. Any music references are suitable for 1998-1999 for the sake of consistency with the story. Also, I'm aware that Anthony Goldstein was a Ravenclaw but for the purposes of this story - he's a Hufflepuff :)

Usual caveat: Copyright to the HP Universe belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros Studios. No money is being made, it's just a bit of fun.


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