A Shopping Trip with Hermione Granger

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'Why's there a bunch of red roses in the bin?' Blaise asked the following evening as we helped him move back into the dorm room and rearranged the room once more.

I was distinctly suspicious about the size of our room as I eyed our Slytherin group lounging around in front of the fire on the two sofas and several beanbags, the pink gins already well on the way to being consumed.

'Dray has an unwanted secret admirer,' said Pansy lazily as she filed her nails.

The room, as one, turned to look at Harry.

'Not mine,' said Harry, taking a sip of his drink nonchalantly.

'Besides,' said Daphne, 'Harry categorically cannot be defined as "secret" when it comes to his admiration of our Slytherin Ice Prince. There's been nothing secret about the way you two have danced around each other for the last seven years. You're like those birds of paradise that fluff their feathers and warble strange songs at one another in mock aggression when trying to woo their mates.'

'Oh yes,' said Pansy gleefully. 'Though I think Dray's more like one of his father's peacocks, all on display with his colourful jumpers and bum exposed.'

Oh gods! I scowled and narrowed my eyes at them.

Harry was laughing.

'It still doesn't answer the question of the roses,' said Blaise. 'Surely there's no one in this school dumb enough to openly challenge our Saviour for your affections? Are you sure Harry didn't send them?'

'Honestly,' I sneered, 'do you really think I'd dare put Harry's roses in the bin when he sleeps in the same room. He'd positively kill me in my sleep.'

'Besides,' dismissed Harry. 'A dozen red roses? I would never buy Dray a dozen red roses? It's far too clichéd and I don't think that whoever sent them really understands Dray at all.'

'I happen to like roses,' I sneered.

'Sure, but not common-or-garden roses from the nearest cheapest shop. It's weak and thoughtless. You have more taste than that and certainly deserve better.'

'You sound like you have that one all planned out already, Harry,' said Daphne.

'Sure. If I was to give Dray roses, I would simply gift him with three Félicité Parmentiers.'

'What are they?' asked Milli. 'What's their significance?'

Harry just smiled enigmatically, his lips twitching as he looked at me. He was watching me, knowingly. The smug git!

And I knew I looked gobsmacked. Harry had obviously done his research but neither of us were going to explain that one—not to this lot.

'What about this Valentine's Ball?' asked Blaise, watching us both and clearly realising that neither of us were going to explain the significance of his choice.

'I still need an outfit,' said Milli.

McGonagall had announced it before the Christmas break and it was causing a lot of excitement around the school.

'I reckon we'll need a girls' shopping trip to London,' said Pansy, inspecting her talons. 'Soon. My nails are in a dreadful state. We should go next weekend. Then we can celebrate Dray getting his wand de-restricted too.'

'Will McGonagall let us out?' asked Daphne.

'She will if Harry asks her. He's got her eating out of the palm of his hand,' Pansy smirked.

'I suppose that means we'll have to take the two gays with us, as honouree girlfriends,' sighed Daphne. '

'No thanks,' said Harry, firmly. 'Anyway, I've got some stuff to deal with for Minnie. It's up to Dray, if he wants. Mione might appreciate the invite too. Dray, if I give you my Muggle credit card, will you get her into something outrageously sexy. I want Ron to have an aneurysm.' He smirked.

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