Silencing Spells

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A/N This chapter contains scenes of a sexual nature, mostly fade to black...

A couple of Fridays after we'd first kissed he'd come back to the dorm room after being called to the Ministry again. It seemed to becoming more and more of a regular occurrence that Kingsley Shacklebolt wanted Harry to attend the Wizengamot Court for various trials. This one had required more time than usual but Harry refused to miss the trial and had ended up staying in London.

When he finally returned, I was in the room alone, finishing some revision. Greg and Theo were still at supper and had mentioned disappearing straight off to Hogsmeade with Pansy, Daphne, and Milli for some drinks. Harry pulled me out of my chair into his arms and kissed me gently as he held me loosely around the waist.

'Missed you,' he muttered.

'You've only been gone three days. No wand in your hair today?' I asked, surprised to notice that his hair was tied back relatively neatly into a low pony tail with a proper hair bobble and very certainly off his face. He'd long since taken the Elder Wand back to his vault after he'd managed to help the Healers at St Mungo's pull Umbridge from her enchanted slumber.

'Minnie asked me not to wear it like that around the school. Apparently, I've started a trend and there's been a few incidents that Poppy's had to deal with, including one serious levitation case...' he kissed my neck, finding the sensitive spot that was just above the loose neck of my rainbow jumper.

I snorted in amusement. 'Of course you've started a trend. You're an idiot sometimes not to realise the impact of your actions and fashion choices now. People in the school are already wandering around like some punked-up vampire, really not understanding the true subversive meanings behind it all. Haven't you noticed the increase in tight ripped jeans and key chains around the place?'

His fingers were trailing distractingly up under the hem of my jumper. I knew things were heating up between us. And I wanted him, especially as he was wearing what he'd worn during my trial, although he wore black tailored trousers rather than his ripped jeans. And it was seriously affecting me. 'How did the court case go?'

'She's gone to Azkaban for life for Crimes against Muggleborns. Stewart's mum wasn't the only one not to survive her punishments.'

'Good. I mean about her going to Azkaban, not about the poor victims of her tyranny,' I said before kissing him hard.

'What was that for,' he muttered against his lips.

'For being the hero that you are...' I murmured as I kissed his jaw.

'I told you not to put me on a pedestal.'

'I'm only conceding that you deserve it today, for fighting for all those people and getting justice. Umbridge was an evil cow and even the Slytherins called her Umbitch. I'm glad you've fought to get atonement for her crimes. So, the hero-worship is for today only and bear in mind that if anyone asks, I'll deny it strenuously.'

He laughed, pulling me back onto the bed on top of him. 'Are you always going to strenuously deny your feelings for me?'

'Are you going to take your robe and boots off?'

'All in good time,' he whispered as he nibbled on my earlobe, gently flicking my earing with his tongue.

'You're being a prick-tease, Potter,' I said, cupping his face and removing his glasses before I pulled his face up so I could mirror the exercise on his pierced eyebrow because shit! that felt hot to me and I loved it.

'I'm not. I just want to slowly revere every part of you as we go along.'

'Can't you revere me a little bit faster?'

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