The Golden Trio

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'How do you know it's Granger who approaches?' I asked as Harry twisted away across the carriage to sit opposite me. I felt bereft, and annoyed that Potter's friends should chose that particular moment to find him. I sulkily slouched against the window again with my feet pulled back up on the seat as Harry stretched his legs out across the carriage, clearly amused.

'She's the only one who knows how to dismantle the Ward I put up because she taught them to me.'

He summoned his glasses and pushed them up his nose before twisting his hair up with his wand again. He leant back against the seatback, watching me with a wicked glint, and it was then that the mist on the windows fell and the door slid open.

'There you are, Harry...' Granger faltered in the doorway, looking between us.

Weasley pushed past her and obliviously flung himself on the seat beside Harry, 'bloody hell, we've been looking for you for ages, mate. Eventually Mione realised there was a compartment missing in this carriage. Why're yer hiding, mate?'

I shook my head slightly in amusement and Granger cautiously sat beside me after sliding the door shut.

A collection of younger-year students almost immediately appeared at the window in the corridor to stare in at the Golden Trio.

'That's why?' scowled Harry and recast his protection spells. 'I knew you'd find us eventually.'

'Us? Oh, bloody hell! Malfoy? What the fuck? You look... different.' Weasley spluttered obviously unsure what to make of the rainbow-bedecked enemy of his former years. 'Nice hair,' he muttered, looking at me in shock.

I supposed I did look a bit different from the last time he saw me back in May.

Harry grinned at his friends after they settled into the compartment and said, 'Ron, meet Draco, Draco Malfoy. Draco, this is Ron. Hermione – Draco, Draco – Hermione...' He waved a hand lazily between us as he made the casual introductions. His lips were twitching though as he still watched me intently.

'Hello,' Granger smiled beatifically, easily covering any scarily accurate conclusions she was jumping to.

'Hello, Hermione,' I held out my hand. 'And sorry,' I said as we shook hands, noticing for the first time that Granger was actually rather striking. I knew my voice was drawling languidly in that familiar Malfoy slow and lazy way but I wasn't going to change that for anyone. 'I'm sorry for being a bully, and the name-calling, and just being a general wanker, and spoilt Pureblood brat with stupid ideas. And especially for not being able to help more at the Manor when my aunt...' it was hard to even say the words.

'I understand, Draco, but you're not responsible for her actions. Anyway, you saved Harry and that spoke out tenfold about everything.'

Weasley harrumphed, eyeing me suspiciously between staring at my blue hair.

'You too, Weasley,' I said, swallowing hard and totally uncertain that my apology would be accepted.

Weasley rolled his eyes. 'I know you're alright, Draco. You proved yourself good in the end, what with helping at your home, and the wand business, and everything. And it was all pretty shite for us all,' he said. Weasley looked at Harry too, and shook his head slowly to himself, rolling his eyes again.

'I mean it, Weasley. I know it won't be easy for us to get past our history but I am sorry. I was a very blinded. I'm trying to change. And thank you, too, for trying to stop the Aurors.'

Weasley looked intently into my grey eyes, studying me, clearly deciding which way to take this.

I tried to portray an openness in my expression and when I glanced at Harry, I could see hopefulness.

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