The Search Begins

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It seemed no time at all before McGonagall ushered the Minister for Magic and Head Auror into the ward, followed by Blaise.

'Are we certain he's still conscious?' the Minister said.

'I don't think anyone doubts Harry,' said McGonagall.

Sensible woman, I thought snidely but my temperament wasn't going to be its most pragmatic, considering.

When Harry burst back through the doors, he was hauling someone with him.

'You can't just go barging into our common room and drag me off...' the boy was struggling against Harry's hold.

It wasn't my attacker.

'...Headmistress, he's gone mad. The others said he was losing it, hanging around with all those Slytherins...'

'Shut up,' snarled Harry. 'Kingsley, Auror Robards, meet Bem Abara, the only seventh year Ravenclaw left in their dorm room of five...'

'The Minister...?' the boy suddenly stuttered. 'Head Auror...?'

'I'm sure you're aware that three of his contemporaries, his roommates, were expelled a number of months ago. The fourth one, Stewart Ackerley is missing and his possessions are gone. We can assume he's left the school. I recommend we find him, urgently.'

'What's wrong with Malfoy?' the boy suddenly asked.

'Ms Parkinson, Mr Zabini, would you mind leaving the room.' McGonagall ordered. Then she said firmly, 'what do you know, Mr Abara? That is, what information can you tell me particularly attaining to Mr Malfoy's current condition.' I could imagine her thin lips pursed in disapproval.

'It wasn't me...'

'We know it wasn't you,' Harry said, the anger palpable. 'That wasn't what the Headmistress asked you.'

Bem squeaked.

'Perhaps, Mr Potter, it might be wise to unhand the boy,' said Robards.

'I don't think so.'

Merlin, he was so hot sometimes...

'During the war, Stu's mum was hauled in front of Umbridge's Muggle-Born Registration Commission,' Bem rushed out. 'Mrs Ackerley was accused of stealing magic from a true witch and her wand was confiscated. As punishment, it was ordered that the magic should be removed from her core...'


'Oh goodness!' both McGonagall and Poppy gasped.

'What has this to do with Draco Malfoy's current condition?' asked the Minister.

There was an awful silence. I already knew what was coming next.

'Say it,' snarled Harry.

Bem whelped. 'Lucius Malfoy cast the spell to remove the magic...'

Fuck! I hated my father!

'...It killed her. Slowly and painfully, over the course of two weeks. And the family could do nothing about it. Stu wasn't allowed to leave Hogwarts to visit her. The Carrows just mocked him and Snape refused to help. It was awful...'

Guilt hugged me in a familiar blanket. This was what I was born into. This was what I was bred to do.

'Oh gods,' said Robards.

'The question still remains,' said Harry coldly. 'What has this to do with Draco and why he's been cursed?'

'S-Stu,' the boy stammered. 'Stu didn't take things well and it's been eating him up. He started spending a lot of time researching spells...'

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