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I admit it! I never saw Ron's initial reaction, I was too busy looking at Harry. Though, for the entire evening, Ron looked like a cross between a love-sick crup and like he was the Triwizard Tournament champion.

When I finally got to see Harry in his dress robes that had been hidden away since the journey on the Hogwarts Express, he took my breath away. If he'd left me watching voraciously in the courtroom with deep-seated feelings of envy and desire, when I saw him emerge from the boys' dorm that night, I just felt pure, unadulterated lust combined with hilarity at his determination to be subversive.

His hair was, of course, knotted around his wand and it worked perfectly not to distract from his robes. The coat was midnight-black velvet but with a hint of pattern in the material. There were shoulder epaulettes that matched the deep cuffs and served to accentuate the width of his shoulders and distract from the blackness of his outfit. Because there was a hint of military style to the coat, it perfectly displayed his Order of Merlin medal that he wore without a hint of modesty over his heart. The robes were incredibly formal and over the top, with their gold and purple embroidery at the shoulders and cuffs and the flashes of purple lining from when he walked but he managed to undermine everything by wearing it open over leather trousers and his heavy boots, with a black shirt that was undone to his sternum and with his rings and piercings and heavy runic necklace that he wore. He had a short scruff of beard over his chin, it was a relatively new choice of his and I really liked it, it made his jaw look squarer.

Fuck! He looked too damned sexy and I couldn't keep my eyes off him as he walked towards me.

'Put your tongue away,' whispered Pansy before waltzing off to find Blaise. 'We need photos,' she announced, trying to usher us all outside because she thought the photographs would be best in the courtyard or on the viaduct.

Harry crowded into my personal space. 'So, this is what my money bought,' he said quietly, carefully touching the lapel of my long jacket. 'Divine...' he breathed but he wasn't looking at my clothes. His eyes tracked over my hair and my face, lingering on my eyes and the eyeliner. I could see him literally following the dark lines that Pansy had carefully traced below my eyes. I watched his eyes darken and felt myself go hard.

'Merlin, Dray...'

His eyes were on my lips and all else in the room was forgotten.

'Have you got a tint on them?' he whispered.

'Yes,' I said quietly. I'd stolen Pansy's rose-tinted lip-gloss. I couldn't prevent pulling one of my lips between my teeth despite my avowal to stop doing it.

'Oh gods, what are doing to me?' he breathed, reaching up and easing my lip free from its torture. And in that moment, I truly let all my beliefs go that I was a political puppet for him. He still held the lapel of my coat with his other hand and I'd unconsciously reached forward until I was touching the heavy belt on his trousers. I cautiously eased my fingers over the top of the belt until I felt the fine material of his shirt. I felt his stomach muscles tauten under my touch beneath the material.

'Oi, you two, come on,' yelled Theo.

'I want to actually kill Theodore Nott,' I muttered as the moment broke.

Harry smiled but didn't move away, though his hand fell away from my face and he took my hand instead. 'No,' he said quietly. 'I don't want you sent to Azkaban again. I can't have you taken from me again like that.'

I swear, my heart didn't know how to function. I had never had someone talk to me like I meant the very existence in their world.

There was a click of the camera and we broke away.

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