A Snakelet is Born

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Harry hadn't been wrong when he hinted at the nightmare of the first few days of term. Everyone wanted to talk to him. Many more wanted autographs. Everyone wanted to know his relationship status. Some didn't even bother asking, they just launched themselves at him. He pushed it all aside and ignored the lot of them. Weasley often acted like some kind of bodyguard, pushing through the crowds ahead of Harry but Weasley, Hermione, and Neville were all in a similar situation. They were heroes and too many people wanted a piece of that. It was reminiscent of immediately after Harry had killed Voldemort and everyone wanting to touch him.

McGonagall ended up having a stern word before the evening feast on the third day of term and threatening detentions if she caught anyone pestering the year-eight students, let alone assaulting their wellbeing.

Of course, it meant I received a complete opposite reaction. As expected, people assumed our relationship status was more than it was and decided I wasn't good enough. Not many expressed that opinion in front of Harry but those who did quickly learnt it didn't go down well. I found it odd that Harry neither confirmed nor denied that we were in a relationship. He was clearly aware of what people were saying but he just laughed at them and walked away.

'Why don't you deny what people are saying about us?' I asked one evening.

'Because they'll believe what they want to believe so there's no point. It's just a waste of energy,' he said without looking up from his studies.

'But what happens if you find someone you want to date?' I asked with a sunken heart.

'You don't need to worry about that,' he said with an amused smile on his face as he unfurled a bit of the scroll he was writing on.

I was sure he was using me, like a kind of barrier to protect himself from a multitude of unwanted advances. I was even more certain it was going to make the animosity towards me worse. Though I walked through it all with my head held high and ignoring the jibes, when they did come. Though Harry was often by my side as we walked through the school; he was there, like a self-appointed protector with a strong shield charm and a quick Hex if anyone was stupid enough to try anything.

I found I had two other surprising champions in that quarter. First, when Rosamunde suddenly stepped up to defend me after four seventh-year Gryffindors decided to voice their disapproval one lunch time.

'Can't you see he's clearly changed?' Rosamunde demanded stepping between me and the girls and, as she was no taller than my chest, she craned her neck to outstare them. It was enough to make my eyes water and I wasn't even on the receiving end of her determined glare.

I leant back against the wall and coolly watched proceedings unfold. I snorted quietly at her bravado and sneered at them. They were nothing to me and I knew, if it weren't for the fact that I wanted to change and not take certain routes, or for the fact that my wand was restricted, I could have demolished them easily and sent them quivering to their beds.

The girls laughed cruelly at Rosamunde.

'Got yourself a snakelet to defend you, Malfoy?' sneered Romilda Vane.

She the only one of them that I knew. We all knew she'd tried to slip a love potion to Harry in the sixth year and Weasley had nearly died as a result. Guilt easily shrouded me at how associations lead back to my actions in that hideous year, though I hide it well and straightened my back against such ruminations—there was no point.

Romilda continued, 'well, Snakelet, blue hair and pretty tattoos don't mean shit. He's a Death-Eater. Once a piece of shit like that, always a piece of shit. He's not worthy to kiss Harry Potter's feet.'

I wanted to laugh, she knew nothing of Harry.

'Well, Harry Potter clearly doesn't think so and what's good enough for Harry should be more than good enough for all of us,' Rosamunde defended stoutly, though I could tell her voice was slightly shaky.

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