Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


It all started in 7th grade. He went to a different middle school than me but we were in the same district. His best friend, Zac, gave him my number and that's how we started texting. Once we started, we couldn't stop. We got to know each other better by playing 20 questions and just asking each other random things.  Freshman year is when it all started.  We finally got to the same high school and luckily, we were in a few classes together.  Freshman year went by fast with us being "just friends".  But luckily, I tried out for the dance team and made it.  Sophomore year, my best friend from 3rd grade, Olivia, confessed to me that she liked Dylan, too, knowing I liked him since 8th grade.  At homecoming, Olivia came over, running to me, telling me that Dylan asked her out.  I felt happy for her, that she finally got the guy she wanted, but inside, I felt horrible because the guy that she finally got, was the guy I've wanted since 8th grade.  They dated for about 3 months, and Olivia started talking to me less.  She found new friends, which just so happened to be the popular girls.  I found new friends that I had a ton of fun with.  Most of them danced and my two best friends danced with me at my studio and on our school's dance team.  After a few weeks, Olivia officially made it clear that she didn't want anything to do with me and just left me for the populars.  I was devastated, but had my other friends there to help me.  After about a month or so, I found out that Dylan and Olivia broke up.  She came back to me, crying and saying she was sorry for blocking me out, but I didn't take it.  I couldn't believe that she had the nerve to come back to me after treating me like complete crap and thinks one little apology would make up for everything she put me through when I needed her the most.  As for Dylan, well, Zac told me that he liked me, well never stopped and just dated Olivia out of anger.  Zac also told me that Dylan thought I was going to reject him.


 Junior year went by really fast.  Nothing major happened.  We stayed friends and I pretended like I wasn’t interested in him like that.  But I soon realized, I was.  Of course, him being him, he dated half of the girls in our grade (my exaggeration) and I just acted like it didn’t hurt.  But it did.  Of course it did.  Whenever we would pass each other in the hallway, we would either mutter hi, look and smile, wave, or just look away.  I tried to avoid the last one because even though he was dating some girl or we weren’t exactly in the best position friendship wise, I didn’t wanna come off as some bratty girl he used to know.  I still wanted to be the sweet, friendly girl that waves and says hi to whoever no matter who they are.  I just hope I’m still like that.  And that people still think of me like that.  But all I can do is hope, right?  Well anyways, by the end of junior year, I was so excited for summer and to just get rid of all that drama for 3 months and just relax with my friends.  Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.  And by that, I mean the drama came back.  And so did he.  The first 3 weeks of summer were great.  I was having a great time; hanging with my friends and family, going to the pool, parties, sleepover, visiting my older brother, Ryan, at college and just enjoying summer itself. 

The drama came back about 6 weeks into summer.  My best friends, Ellie, Sara, Bella, and I were all going to a party.  The only problem was that the party was being hosted by Savanna a.k.a. Dylan’s girlfriend.  Once we entered the gigantic house, I already saw Savanna and Dylan kissing right near the steps.  Ellie, Bella, and Sara all saw so they tried to pull me away from them.  They all knew the situation with Dylan and me.  We went into the kitchen to see if there was anything we could drink that might just not be alcoholic.  The good thing about my friends and me is that we don’t drink.  Once we finally found some soda or some sort of fizzy drink, I noticed someone’s head looking my way – more like staring.  I turned my head to surprisingly see Olivia staring at me.  But it wasn’t the kind of bad stare – it was more of a sympathetic ‘I miss you’ stare.  I smiled a little and waved in her direction. She mirrored the smile and also waved back.  I could see that after I smiled to her, her attitude got a bit brighter.  I smiled to myself, looking at the ground, knowing I made her happier.

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