Chapter 17: More parents...

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Morana's POV

My relationship with my parents is very confusing. 

My mother, Sapphira, is like, the ring leader of everything, so is my father, Armaros, of course, but my mother is a very controlling person, like, extremely over the top, she needs everything her way.

Not in the "I throw tantrums to get what I want" way, like she will get what she wants. 




And she'll even kill to do it, not in a metaphorical way, like literally, she has before. 

In a way, she is a bit of a psycho.

I never do WHATEVER she wants though, my brother does, and that's only because he doesn't want to get in trouble with her, but he isn't any mamma's boy.

In fact, everybody tells me I'm just like my mother, I don't know whether that's said as a compliment or in fear.

She was never one to read me and my brother bedtime stories, instead, it was making us do something physical, like archery and sometimes, learn the family history, even when it was bedtime. 

When I was a kid, I always adored my mother, I used to think she was so cool because of how she would do everything with such class and she was still a badass, I literally wanted to be just like her, even though she was and is a strange parent, unfortunately, I still love her even though she's cold, but when she has those rare moments when we see her softer, it's like the it goes from being dark and cloudy to being sunny and fresh flower bud blossoming. 

Enough of the extremely cringe talk

Cozbi is my cousin the daughter of my father's brother, the girl who came with my parents, she's sort of my uh- best friend, she's the sly and charming but intimidating kind of girl. 

She's very popular in the family and my brother is as well, I am too, of course, I've got a really big family it would take me way too long to name everyone anyway. 

"Morana, Aeron, lets sit down and have a conversation about everything darlings shall we?" my mother drawls with a slight smirk, her icy green eyes exactly the same as mine, staring at me, 

"Okay Mamma," Aeron says as we walk to a table at a secluded spot in the school garden, 

"So what?" I ask when we sit down at the table, 

"Well have you been able to get hands on Renata's phone," my dad questions, clenching his jaw, that's the bitch who attacked Harper, she's got connections with Lucian and his family and other could be potentially valuable things on her phone, 

"No I haven't I literally forgot I had to do that," I snap,

"Morana, you need to get it, otherwise, I might just have to do it myself," my mother slightly threatens, ugh, she always does this, 

"Yeah yeah madre, I'll get it because you might just do something like a complete psychopath," I say making a what gesture with my hands, 

"Well, just get it, no need to initiate an argument," she says narrowing her eyes at me, I know they can mostly see through me, but my mother will never accept there are some things she doesn't know about me. 

"Now, stop it Sapphira, and you too Mor," my father warns, 

"Okay Armaros, sit down and don't boss me around like that," my mum argues back,

"He literally didn't even boss you around mamma," Aeron add in, 

"Exactly, now STOP IT SAPPHIRA," my father says with a warning tone,

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