Chapter 1

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Sana's POV:

"Sana! Order for table 3 is ready!" I heard my boss yell from the kitchen. I quickly picked up the plates and served our awaiting clients. My shift was almost done and I was more than happy to go home to my daughter.

I was very exhausted because I finished my first job at 4pm and had to work from 5pm to 8pm. This was my everyday routine and I was getting tired, but who am I to complain this was my only choice if I wanna apply to pay for art school and survive with a child.

I put my coat on since we were in the middle of December and it was freezing outside. I left the restaurant and tried to catch a cab, I waited in the cold but no luck. What a great night. I sighed and wrapped my coat around me. I should get a car because this is ridiculous, not one taxi passed by for the past 30 minutes.

Maybe if I start walking I'll eventually catch a cab, I kept walking looking down at my feet and the reason why was because of the stupid wind hitting my face. It was painful.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here" oh no. This was a big mistake, I shouldn't have moved from the diner's door. Two men emerged out of nowhere and stalked towards me. I just kept walking trying to ignore them.

"Hey beautiful come here" I felt a hand grab me harshly and pull me back, I yelped. I tried to wiggle myself out of his grip but my fragile body was stuck between his huge arms.

"Leave me alone." I yelled, all they did was laugh. I felt my tears falling on my cold cheeks. As I felt his hands roaming my body I screamed but I was met with a slap on my face.

"Hey!" I heard a voice behind us and turned my head to see a dark figure standing, the person walked closer where we could see them. It was a woman wearing a black coat on top of her black suit.

"Let her go"

The two men looked at each other and just started laughing, the guy kept touching me inappropriately, and I pierced my lips together and tried to push him away.

"Or what bitch?"

"Or..." she came closer and pushed her coat to the side to reveal a gun strapped to her waist. She pulled it quickly and aimed it towards the first guy.

I felt his arms let go faster than light and he started backing away, he then ran away not too long after the second guy followed him.

I couldn't feel my legs I felt myself falling but I felt strong arms wrapped around me, I panicked and tried to wiggle out of her grip. She had a gun and I was alone, yes she saved me but I was scared.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I put it away." She said with a soothing voice, she helped me to my feet. She was taller than me so I had to look up a little to see her face clearly. I felt my breath hitch at her beauty. She had an undercut and the sides shaved and her hair was in a bun. Her hazel eyes were piercing through my soul, her high cheek bones were so perfect with the freckles that traced all over them and her nose. I realized I was staring and I felt my cheeks heat up. I mumbled a quick thank you and kept looking down at my feet.

"Do you need a ride?"

"I- it's okay I'll just take a taxi" I took a step backwards but I felt a hand grab my wrist and gently squeeze it. I looked up into her eyes to see nothing but concern.

"I insist" I slowly nodded my head and she smiled. Ive never seen someone so beautiful.

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