Chapter 31

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Sana's POV:

Today was my first day back at Tzuyu's house, it was also my only free day. I can't believe I'm sacrificing my sleep for her, this literally should be the new definition of love. If they don't sacrifice their sleep just to make you happy than throw that bitch away.

"And who might you be?" There stood a woman, a very tall woman. Where was I when god was giving free extra inches in height. She had blonde hair and dark grey eyes. She's was the definition of a Victoria's secret super model.

"I'm here to see Tzuyu" she looked at me suspiciously, her robe was open and I was trying the hardest not to look at her boobs.

"She's the painter I told you about honey" I heard her voice yell from somewhere inside the house, of course I'm just the painter.

"Oh well why didn't you say that, come on in" her japanese accent was starting to show.

I walked straight to the throne room, and found it just like I left it months ago. The throne was a little dusty but it didn't matter just a little sweeping and it'll look good as new.

I felt a presence behind me and there stood Tzuyu, she was only wearing a rob as well. I averted my eyes away from her toned legs and started to put the supplies I'd need to start.

"You should get dressed so we can start" I mumbled,

"I am ready" I heard her say, my eyes turned to look at her. She was standing with her black robe, my eyes widened and I just started to sweat from nervousness.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I swallowed hard, why was she doing this to me. Her hands went to the silk ropes on the robe and slowly started to open them.

After long seconds of her slowly torturing me, the robe finally opened and she was only wearing boxers. I couldn't see her boobs fully, they were slightly hidden under the robe. My eyes followed down her well shaped upper body, from her toned stomach to the waist band of her boxers. Without realizing, I found myself looking lower than I thought I'd be looking. And to my surprise, she was packing.

It's not the first time I met someone who's intersex, but it is a first time I see an intersex woman with such huge di-

"Sana!" I cleared my throat and answered her,


"Can we start?" Two can play this game, I hope I wasn't going to offend her with this or make her kick me out of her house, forever.

"No" I grabbed a rag and I poured my water bottle on it, I walked closer to her and she was so stunned.

"May I?" I whispered, she just nodded her head. I gently started to wipe off the makeup on her face and neck. Her scars that I learned to love started to show. She was avoiding my eyes and just looked through me and not at me.

"A long time ago I made a promise, I will not put my brush on a canvas to paint you unless it was the real you" I whispered, her eyes were looking down at me but this time they were different. I reached her shoulders, I pushed the robe off of her shoulders and her chest was exposed to me but I made sure not to look.

When I made sure all the make up was gone, I walked back to where was the empty canvas.

"Wear your robe but leave it open, put one leg on the arm of the chair, then lean on your fingers." she did as I say,

"Yes, just like that"

And when I tell you she looked like the sexiest human on this planet. The way she looked at me, the way her, what should I call it, crotch area, looked in those black boxers. incredible, I have a feeling I will end up dying before finishing this painting.

An hour through the painting and the woman from earlier opened the door, she looked at the position Tzuyu was in.

She side eyed me and then smirked walking to the throne where Tzuyu was sitting.

"I'm not done yet Mina" said Tzuyu, but this Mina girl didn't listen she kept walking until she was right in front of Tzuyu. I stopped because she was blocking my view and just waited for her to finish whatever she was going to do.

She started taking off her robe, she had a big snake tattoo on her back and her ass. Well damn, she was wearing a black thong.

"Well that is my cue to leave" I whispered to myself, she was getting ready to sit on Tzuyu's lap and I couldn't bare to see her arms wrap around her. I grabbed my things and left the room.

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