Chapter 5

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Ms Chou left the room and after I got my senses together I followed right after her. Her board shoulders and tall frame looked so graceful. She walked in front of me like she had the world under her feet. And she probably does.
I caught up to her and just walked with my head down, not knowing where she was going, but most likely to the kitchen to get my daughter.

"Sana..." My head shot up to her and she was now looking at me with her hands behind her.

"Yes Ms. Chou?"

"When there's nothing to be ashamed of, never walk with your head down, no one out there is better than you, never let them think they can walk all over you" I think she noticed my habit of looking down at my feet and that's why she's saying this, it's a little true. I nodded my head shyly and she smiled with a little confirmation nod when she saw me fix my posture.
She pushed a door to what I think is the kitchen. We entered to find Hyori sitting on the counter next to a Sphinx cat, ew not the hairless cat. Why does it look like a shaved ball don't even asked me how I know that, living in an orphanage had its down sides.
Hyori was feeding would give the cat a bite off of what she was eating and she'd bite the same piece and then give it to the cat.

"Hyori!" She jumped but when she saw me she rolled her eyes, when did she learn that! I looked at Tzuyu, she rolled her eyes smiling at me. Seriously they just meet an hour ago and my kid is literally picking up her attitude.

"Momma look Ruby gave me chicken nuggies" she showed me the bitten piece of nugget that the cat just ate from and she was guiding it to her mouth.

"Hyori noo" she stopped, but I knew she was up to something since she was smirking at me. She guided it again towards her mouth.

"Noo" I warned, she'd take it away and bring it back to her mouth again, to her she was playing a game.

"Nooo" I dragged again but my kid was just having fun. I heard someone chuckle next to me, I glared at Tzuyu and she just rolled her eyes walking to the kitchen counter where Hyori was sitting.

She took the piece away from her hand and gave it to the cat. Hyori pouted and crossed her arms.

"And I thought you were my friend" she mumbled, Tzuyu picked her up and smiled.

"I'll buy you more if you promise you won't eat after the cat" Hyori's face lit up and she was smirking my way,
"...and the dog" my kid sighed, and nodded her head in agreement.

"Ms. Chou I have to go now, I have work soon" she nodded her head, she pulled her phone out and dialed a number putting to her ear.

"Louis je veux la Rolls Royce pour aujourd'hui, j'ai..ehh" she side eyed me for a second.

"...des invités?" She sighed

"Just bring it" she hang up, a few minutes later a black Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the door,

"Ms. Chou he doesn't have to take us, I'll just call a cab"

"He isn't, it's for me" I was a little disappointed but I didn't let it show. I just nodded my head.

"I'm the one driving you home" she smiled, the guy who I guess is named Louis bowed a little to her and gave her the keys. I felt my cheeks gain a little color while Hyori was wiggling her feet excited about the car.
 We were almost home when Tzuyu took the wrong turn, I was about to comment about that when I saw the McDonald's logo get closer.

"I promised I'll get Hyori nuggets"

"Mommy what's your friends name?"

I looked at Tzuyu for help and she just chuckled, she looked at Hyori through the rearview mirror.

"My name is Tzuyu" Hyori nodded looking out the window.


  I was laying on my bed with Hyori sleeping on my stomach, her little snorts were so cute and her red hair was everywhere. I remembered my day with Tzuyu and whatever tingly feeling she made my stomach do whenever her beautiful eyes looked down at me. I picked my daughter and put her to bed, I grabbed my phone that was opened on her name, I was debating on what to do. Should I send her a text or should I just let this be.

'Can you please send me more information and how you want your portrait so I can bring the right tools..' -me

A few minutes later, while I was brushing my hair I heard my phone ding, I ran to the bed and grabbed my phone to see her name pop on the screen.

'a professional one will do it' -Tzuyu

I have no idea but her dry reply made me feel a ping in my heart, I felt like I shouldn't have texted her, like I was bothering her. I left her on read and just tried to go rest so I can start my work tomorrow.

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