Chapter 4

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To my surprise or our surprise because she was as astonished as I was, I stared at her in amazement she looked so beautiful in the sunlight. Her hair was in a perfect bun like last time I saw her. She was wearing a dark grey suit with a black shirt and black tie, that fit her so perfectly, she looks better in that suit than most men I see on the street. Handsome I might say.

"Ms. Chou" I said nervously, she's basically my boss so yeah I said with a smile stretching my arm for her to shake. She smirked and walked closer, taking my hand in hers. Her hands were soft just like last time and she smelled so good and I didnt even know why she smelled like black licorice candy but more fancy. It is one of my favorites.

"Ms Minatozaki" she smiled looking behind me, she went to where Hyori was standing, and stared down at her.

"Hello there Hyori" she said, how did she know her name? Weird.

"How do you know my name miss?" my kid asked, yeah how do you know.

"Oh that's your name? I had no idea I called you Hyori because you are very pretty" she said bending to Hyori's level. I can see my daughter's cheeks turn red and she ran and hid behind me with a small smile on her face. I heard Tzuyu chuckle.

"So Ms. Chou shall we start" she nodded her head and I followed her to a room with fancy looking chair, honestly it's so big you can mistake it for a throne, it was black king throne to be exact.

"Today we won't start the painting, I just wanted to know the artist and show them where and who they'll be working with"

"Oh alright, when do I start then?" I asked

"Tomorrow" I can't just start bringing my kid to work every day, and oh my god how am I gonna pay rent without my waitress jobs.

"What is it? You look distressed" she asked sitting on her throne, I couldn't help but look at the lump in her pants when she sat. I averted my eyes away from her crotch area and cleared my throat.

"It's just that I have two jobs that I have to go to everyday, except the weekend if I miss another day I'll be fired and then me and my daughter well be thrown outside" Why did I just spill my life problems to a complete stranger. She put her fingers under her chin thinking.

"I'll pay you the amount today, but the job has to be done in less than a month" she stated, I'm sure my eyes left my eye sockets by now. 300,000$

"Ma'am I can't take that amount what if I don't do the job perfectly" she stood up and walked next to Hyori who was playing with a grey Great Dane. Where did he come from?!

"Hyori! No!" That dog was huge, one bite and her whole body will be gone, I pulled her away roughly without realizing she started crying.

"She doesn't bite dont worry" Tzuyu took Hyori from my arms and picked her up who calmed down instantly, and walked to the dog. Tzuyu took Hyori's hand and petted the dogs head, the dog literally reached her hip and this woman is tall as hell, Amazonian looking woman.

"See she's friendly her name is Deluxe it means large" she explained to my daughter with a smile, no one has ever treated my kid in such gentleness, it made my stomach have a weird feeling.

"So Sana, do we have a deal?" she asked me with a smirk, I'll take the money, I'll save some of it to do an art gallery and to promote my art, and the rest, I'll pay rent for this month and the food for me and Hyori.

"What about my kid?" she shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

"She's not bothering me you can bring her whenever you want, plus I guess she made a new friend" we both turned to look at Deluxe licking Hyori's hand who was laughing.

I couldn't help but smile at her, I turned to look at Tzuyu and she was already looking at me with a smile. I looked at my feet shyly and sighed.

"Okay, deal" her smile became wider and motioned for me to follow her, she called out for a maid and asked her to take Hyori to the kitchen and get her whatever she wants.

We walked to her office pushing on huge double door and walked in, why is everything big in this place. Behind the long black curtains stood a window that showed the beautiful view from outside the sun was shining through the glass and lit the whole room.

Her desk held piles of papers and a laptop; she went behind it and pulled the drawer. Still looking down she asked me,

"Check or cash?"

"What?" I asked confused, she looked up at me and raised her perfect brow.

"The payment method, do you want cash or a do you want me to write you a check?"

"You're going to give me 300,000$ cash?" I asked laughing a little


"I beg your pardon?" my smile dropped

"Your payment will be 500,000$ not 300,000" she said casually, is this woman crazy? Half a million dollars for a portrait who is she? The president?

I stared at her in disbelief; she stood up with a check in her hand. She handed it to me.

"I noticed you didn't have a bag with you so I dont think you'll be able to carry that amount of money and your kid at the same time, so here" she said with a chuckle, when I didn't respond she gently grabbed my hand and put the check in it.

"I know you'll do an amazing job" she said softly leaving me stunned and barely functioning.

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