Chapter 8

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Tzuyu's POV

  I fixed my suit, and took a deep breath and finally knocked on her door. I waited patiently, a few seconds later a teenager opened the door. She was probably still in high school, her mouth fell open when she saw me. I just smiled at her and asked her if Sana is ready. She just stepped out of the way and let me get in.

  "Sana! Your date is here!" The girl yelled, I stood in the middle of the small messy apartment. It wasn't messy with clothes or dirt, but with painting supplies and unfinished arts.

"Coming!" I heard a small voice say and Hyori came running from a corner, she stopped in the middle and looked at me suspiciously. I gave her a smile and she gave me one back and ran my way, jumping on me. I caught her and twirled her hearing her tiny giggles.

"Don't steal my child's heart" I heard a sweet voice behind me say, I put the kid on her feet and turned to see the most beautiful woman ever. Her red hair rested perfectly on her back and the red tight dress she was wearing made her legs look so hot. I kept looking my way up from her legs to her arms until I reached her chest. Oh damn

"I- eh"

"I never thought I'd make you nervous"

With the corner of my eye I could see the girl taking Hyori to the other room to give us some privacy.

"You look stunning" I finally let out, she chuckled.

"You don't look too bad yourself" she whispered in my ear. I shivered at the feels of her lips against my ear. I don't want to sound vulgar but she made my dick twitch. I cleared my throat and smiled at her.

"Shall we?" She nodded her head.

Sana's POV

"Sana, I wanna be honest with you, I thought about taking you to this fancy restaurant but I don't want you to think my personality is just money, so I changed our destination"

She said turning off the engine.
I honestly was going to use that excuse against her. But she's very thoughtful.
She opened my door and guided me towards a skyscraper, this thing is so damn tall.

The building was empty, I know in the morning people work here, but at the moment no one was around.

She guided me to the elevator and pressed the last floor. This building had 65 floors, I turned to check myself in the mirror and caught her looking at my butt, I smirked and fixed my dress. Our eyes met through the mirror and she got closer, I saw her arm sneak around my waist pulling me back against her. I leaned my head back on her shoulder and she just smiled through the mirror. I turned my head to look at her jawline and she was already looking at me. She was leaning and so was I, I felt my eyes close and I was waiting to feel her lips on mine but we were interrupted by the elevator door opening. I pulled myself away from her feeling my cheeks redden.

We walked out and I stopped in my track, in front of me was a beautiful set, a table and two chairs there was light all over the floor, they were all under a tent looking thing, only the top was covered. On the ground there were flours all the way to the table.

She gave me hand to hold and guided me, she pulled my chair and poured me wine, the food looked like it just came out of the stove.

 We talked all night and laughed, I told her about me and how I lived in an orphanage my whole life, I didn't know my parents. She told me her parents live in France and they also are in the business industry.

"Sana?" We were looking at the city from the roof, it was such a breathtaking view.

"Hmm" I hummed back as an answer, she put her jacket over my shoulder and stared at me for a second before asking me a question.

"Where's Hyori's father?" I wasn't expecting her to ask that, it was also a very sensitive subject.

"Hey I'm sorry.."

"It's okay, It's just a sensitive subject"

"You don't have to tell me" I nodded my head, I know I don't have to tell her, but I just want to tell someone. I don't have friends to vent to or anyone.

"We met in highschool and when we graduated we moved in together, he then left when he found out I was pregnant, so that's two years ago, I haven't seen him since" I felt arms wrap around me. Her warm body was making me feel so safe for some odd reason. I don't want her to let go...

"It's okay Sana, it's okay to let it out. He doesn't deserve you. Look at your daughter now, he's missing out on the cutest smartest little girl on this earth, it's his loss not yours" I don't know why I was crying, maybe the fact that someone finally is listening to me, or that I've been on my own my whole life, or maybe because Hyori will grow up without a father figure in her life. Not that she needs it ...

"I'm sorry I ruined your shirt" I chuckled wiping my tears with a tissue. She kissed my forehead and said that it was okay. She was so gentle with me and to think she was holding a gun the other day seems like a lie.

She's just so ...... intriguing.

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